God’s Reason for Making Us His Treasure

reasonThe reason God chooses to love us and invite us into a relationship has sometimes bewildered me. I’m like a forget-me-not: so tiny and unimportant compared to lush irises or sweet-scented roses.

Yet even though their blooms are tiny, I love delicate forget-me-nots. And they remind me that God loves me–not for how much I accomplish, not for how loudly my voice proclaims Him, and not for the size of my worth. He gives a glimpse into His reason for saving us in this scripture:

An Amazing Reason

“For you are a holy people, who belong to the Lord your God. Of all the people on earth, the Lord your God has chosen you to be His own special treasure. The Lord did not set His heart on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other nations, for you were the smallest of all nations! Rather, it was simply that the Lord loves you.” (Deuteronomy 7:6-8a NLT)

We are simply loved! As I let that reminder seep into my soul this morning, it stirs new hope and purpose in me.

Lord, thank you for loving us. Thank you that the tiny nation You chose to cherish carried the promise through generations. Thank you for coming as our Messiah. When we recognize our smallness, please help us not to despair, but instead to trust Your great love. Please show us ways to carry your love into our day and share it with others. Amen.

How about you? Do you ever feel “too small” “too unimportant” “too unworthy”? Is there a verse that has reassured you lately of God’s love? Please share in the comments!


Sharon Hinck

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12 thoughts on “God’s Reason for Making Us His Treasure

  1. Thanks for your encouraging words! I love the NLT version of this verse in Deut. 7: 6-8; I had never read that before!

  2. Oh my goodness, what an awesome confirmation, dear Sharon! I’d just shared with a friend last night that “God loves us not for our usefulness, but just because!” And here you articulate it so well & even gave such a beautiful Scripture to show He means what He says – He loves us apart from anything we “do.” Thank you!

  3. Thanks, MS Barb. This year I’m using the “Inspire” Bible – with journaling margins and art to color in, in the NLT version. It’s been so good for me, because I’d never read this translation, and it sparks all sorts of new things – just with the slightly different wording. 🙂

  4. Thanks, Nina Ruth! It’s such a powerful theme, isn’t it? And for those of us who feel “tiny” or not hugely useful, it’s especially comforting. 🙂 Hugs!

  5. Thank you, Hugh. I’m so glad it gave you a bit of encouragement. The bigness of God’s love really helps me put my teeny struggles into perspective. 🙂

  6. Hi, Sharon, thank you for the reminder of how dear we are to God, but also shining a light on just how loving God is. About 8 years ago, you might recall, I had my first season of depression. Unfortunately, it has come back this summer. So reading your post is a HUGE sword of light showing just how good and kind and loving God really is. Thank you.

  7. Hi, Wayne! I will pray for you BIG TIME. I’m so sorry for the insidious battle you are facing, but I know that Jesus (a man of sorrow and acquainted with grief) understands, cares, and is walking this road with you. Also glad my devotional musing offered a bit of light. My sword from the tour is hanging in my office, and it always makes me smile when I look at it and remember our adventures!

  8. Love this! I used these thoughts last week with the ladies from the nursing home I visit. We started a wonderful discussion. Thank you!

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