The Great Adventure Among Many

AdventureThe world is full of new things to explore.

The Adventure of Our World

The pattern of veins in a leaf, the grape scent of an iris, the vast stepping stone of stars and galaxies, the hideously beautiful creatures in the ocean depths. We can marvel at the sounds a musician can produce with six simple guitar strings, or the lilt of birdsong, or a baby’s giggle.

The Adventure of Others

Even more than the stones, trees, mountains, and waves, another adventure calls us. The earth is full of people. We can meet the eyes of a curious child and watch their wonder, or listen to the hoarse voice of a great-grandmother as she shares stories of decades ago. We can learn how the souls of others survive heartache, fight for justice, and demonstrate love. The quest to learn about the spirits and lives of others is challenging, exhilarating, and unending.

And then there is the greatest adventure of all.

Our Creator and Savior invites us to seek to know Him more and more deeply. This isn’t a cosmic game of hide and seek. He doesn’t move away from us. In Genesis He came calling Adam and Eve. In Christ, He suffered, died, and rose to restore relationship with us. And for each of us, every day, He invites us to hear His voice, see the world through His eyes, serve others on His behalf. Like a shimmering kaleidoscope, each new experience in our lives allows us to see a new glimpse of His nature.

Today is a new chance to watch how He manifests His love.

My heart trembles with joy when I remember that He longs for me to seek Him.

Lord, open our eyes to see You in each direction we look. Open our ears to hear Your truth. Open our hearts to know Your love more fully. Amen.


Sharon Hinck



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6 thoughts on “The Great Adventure Among Many

  1. Loved the post this morning. Put me in a reflective mood of our Lord. All of your posts are good. This one touched my heart. My husband died 8 years ago today and he loved natured so as I read the reflection it touched my soul. Thank you. God Bless you.

  2. Oh, Judi, thank you for sharing. I bet your husband learned many things about our Lord through his love of nature and the things he noticed there. Praying for the “God of all comfort” to wrap His arms around you on this tender day.

  3. Thanks, Beth. I was doing a blog interview and thinking about the adventure of life, and just started thinking about the BIG adventure of being invited by God Himself to KNOW Him (at least as much as our tiny brains can). It rocks my world.

  4. Hi, Teresa!
    For now, I’m working on something new and letting the four books be the Sword of Lyric series. However, I will always leave that door open in my heart, since that world and those characters are so dear to me. 🙂

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