Tag Archives: Flowers

Flowers to Lift the Heart

I used to favor vegetable gardening, but as years have passed, I find that I enjoy flowers more and more. I still plant zucchini, tomatoes, green beans, peppers, kale, etc., but I’ve cut back a little each year, and focus more attention on a few new perennials and some hardy annuals. Maybe that shows me something about how feeding the soul is as important as feeding the stomach? I know that each time I look outside, my spirit lifts. Each bloom is a little ambassador for joy.

This spring, I marveled again at the various colors of iris, and the frilly borders of their petals. Flowers/IrisI decided to fill my window box with blues and yellows – mostly yellow petunias and blue lobelia. Flowers The yellow iris fit the theme well. FLowers yellow and blueHow about you? Do you have a garden? Do you plant more for food or beauty?

Please post a comment and tell me about the most lovely flower you spotted recently!



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