…In a Martha World.
While I was at Mount Hermon Writer’s Conference, I had the joy of meeting Joanna Weaver, author of Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World.
My women’s small group had just begun using this book for our weekly Bible study, and I recommend it to EVERYONE. In many ways, it shares the themes of The Secret Life of Becky Miller, but from a non-fiction direction.
I feel especially blessed to be studying Joanna’s book at this time in my life. As I prepare for my first book to launch, and have three others in the pipeline, I’ve never been more tempted to be a “Martha” and become “worried and upset by many things.” Anxiety threatens to steal my joy. Fear tempts me to doubt God’s sufficiency.
As I prayed about how overwhelmed I’m feeling, I realized I’m like a child receiving a big, shiny, new bicycle. It’s everything I’ve ever longed for. I’m thrilled. But it’s bigger than I realized and doesn’t have training wheels. How comforting that I can ask my Father to hold the bike for me as He teaches me how to ride.
Whatever new challenges you face this week, I pray you feel the secure hands of our God holding your handlebars and guiding you, and that you enjoy the excitement of wind in your face.
Sharon Hinck
Great post, Sharon. I feel like I’m in your same boat. I’m worried and bothered. And yet, my name is MARY! Sheesh! You’d think I’d get that right!