I confess, when I walk into a store, my radar is up for those mark-down signs.
If you visit the NavPress website, you’ll see that The Restorer is currently being featured as a new release at a super sale price. If you’ve wanted to get a copy for a friend, this is a great way to celebrate the second print run and order directly from the publisher. You can also post reviews there.
NavPress has recently done a redesign of their website, so be sure to check it out.
You’ll find some amazing authors featured in their fiction section. Austin Boyd has a whole series of Mars techno-thriller books out. He won the “Pacesetter” award at Mount Hermon last spring and I had the pleasure of meeting him. He’s such a great guy, with buckets of wisdom. Tosca Lee’s new novel is getting rave reviews. I had the blessing of meeting her in Atlanta last month and she is incredibly gracious. Mary DeMuth has been a friend for several years and her “Watching the Tree Limbs” and “Wishing on Dandelions” are brilliant. And those are just a few of the amazing authors you’ll discover.
Happy exploring!
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Nice and knowledgeable gifts for everyone-
Books and references
Thanks for the kind mention, cute Sharon! I’m glad to see NavPress added a fiction button!
Mary DeMuth
Thank you for the kind words! It was a privilege to meet you!
Hi Sharon! It’s Michelle from HisWay in MD! I just thought this would be the best place to let you know that the Restorer is still selling well for us! The battle cry I’ve heard from your new fans is “Finally! Fantasy for the rest of us!” Stay Strong in Him, sister-soldier!
Michelle, THANK YOU!!!!
I have the banner from your store on the back of my office door…so when I close myself in to work, I get to stare at the lyre and remember the beauty of the support of others in the Body of Christ. You are such a treasure!!!