Snippets from a sampling of reader mail (from men, women, young and old) about The Restorer in the past few weeks:
“… it helped me battle the hopelessness, to know the source of the lies plaguing and strangling me. It was a reminder desperately needed.”–R.K.
“… Thank you for making me more aware of the awesomeness of the One who loves us more than we realize and provides just what we need just when we need it.” – D.W.
“… i luv the way u use susan to portray the way God takes care of + protects us……………The Restorer has really been kinda inspiring 2 me because i haven’t been givin God much time lately + ur book is helpin me realize how much he cares.” – H.W.
“Thank you so much for writing a book that is an encouragement and light in such a dark society.” –R.P.
“I just finished your book, The Restorer, and want to thank you for the wonderful story. I’ve been drawn to Scriptures about God as the Restorer; and to think about the ministry of restoration as a result.” — M.B.
“How do you describe my life…to a Tee…when we’ve never even met?? LOL…with tears in my eyes…because what you write is so true right now…”–D.P.
“Oh, how I love this story! How wonderfully the characters draw me in to their world. I’m on page 85, where Susan feels lonely and not belonging and I’m having a wave of the same feeling sweep through me about my work. God is using your writing to speak to me about what is real and to make me think and see things differently.” –C.B.
“… I’m bawling with empathy at the lies of the Rhusicans and Susan’s aloneness. I’m in awe that God brought this book to me for this time. Thank you for writing this story. God is powerful in it and is using it in powerful ways!” –A.W.
“…What I really loved about the book was the familiarity of the book of Judges framed around the familiarity of today’s world confronting an ordinary person’s desires & fears. Even without that though, I would still have fallen in love with the characters.” –E.R.
“… Most of all, I love how you used the verses to defeat the power of the Rhusican! Such a wonderful and vivid application in our own lives, and one that I will claim as the “poison” gets in my life. *g* I even used that example as a devotional last week.” –S.W.
“You know how sometimes you just happen to come across one of those books where you find yourself as the character; you’re speaking and maybe acting what you’re reading in the book? Well, ‘The Restorer’ has got me doing that. It’s come to me at the most opportune time in my life.” – J.C.
Thank you to EVERYONE who has written to me in the past weeks. I cherish your words. They are precious gifts that encourage me when I’m disheartened. But they are also needed reminders to me that God is able to do beyond what we can imagine with our simple, flawed service. He is truly our One, our Strong Tower, and our Restorer.
Blessings and gratitude!
Sharon Hinck
The Secret Life of Becky Miller (Bethany House, June, 2006)
Renovating Becky Miller (Bethany House, February, 2007)
The Restorer (NavPress, May 2007)
The Restorer’s Son (NavPress, September 2007)

I second every comment! What a powerful story!!
What I love about these comments is how specific each person was about what part or in what way the book has made a difference spiritually. That is the BEST! And I’m saying along with them, Yep, the book is powerful!
Plus it’s a lot of fun to read!