My author copy of The Restorer’s Son arrived today!!!!!
As I hugged it (and smelled the wonderful ink) I was washed with memories of the days alone with God while writing the book, and the way I saw His grace unfold to the characters in the story, and how He taught me more about His love through those hours of writing.
It is such a tremendous, tingly, amazing blessing.
Holding these pages is a beautiful, tangible proof of how God can do marvelous things through even weak, flawed, and broken vessels like me. And also how He can kindle a dream and then see it through.
I pray the book will entertain and captivate, but also encourage the hearts of those who have wrestled with God.
Blessings and gratitude!
Sharon Hinck
The Secret Life of Becky Miller (Bethany House, June, 2006)
Renovating Becky Miller (Bethany House, February, 2007)
The Restorer (NavPress, May 2007)
The Restorer’s Son (NavPress, September 2007)

As the French say, Felicitations!!! It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful. A perfect combination.
Can’t wait to get my copy in the mail!
TOO cool! I must say the resemblance between you and your offspring is uncanny. 😉
YAY!! I can’t wait to read it!
BEE-YOU-TEE-FUL!!! I can’t wait to get my copy at the ACFW conference and get your John Hancock, er…Sharon Hinck (hehe) on it!!! YAYAYAY!!!!
Ohhhhh, how super, super cool!
My daughter-in-law is loving The Restorer. I’m looking forward to reading it and now book two in the series will be out just in time for our annual fall family vacation. I’ll read the first one, while she’s reading the second one.
You’ve timed this very well. LOL
Congratulations, Sharon! Beautiful cover. : ) I am looking forward to reading it. See you in Dallas.
AWESOME!!! I’m so excited for you. What an amazing grace marker.
Wow, waaaaaaay cool! I can’t wait to get mine, they tell me it’ll be late November… well, whenever it shows, it will be read within 24 hours, you can count on it!!
Woohoo! Now when does Book Three come out? 🙂
Congrats! The cover is beautiful and I just can’t wait to get my copy! 🙂
It looks GORGEOUS! I can’t wait to read it… 😀 😀
I just need to buy it first…
Congratulations Sharon! What a tremendous blessing, first to you and then to the rest of us!
gorgeous! oh, and the book cover, too! Praying for you/rejoicing with you!!!
Nina Ruth (a female “Kieran”) 😛
I simply love this book. The Restorer ‘jazzed’ me but Sharon, you upped the ante with this. Thank you for giving me goosebumps…not an easy thing to do, trust me.
Wow! Thanks for sharing my excitement, everyone!!! It means a lot to me!
Now I’m packing to head to the ACFW conference in Dallas.
Todd, book three is due out in January. 🙂
Cindy – you know we scheduled the release date to coincide with your family vacation, right? heh heh.
Grace, don’t pay attention to availability dates. Several online stores have wrong release date info. Hopefully it will arrive much sooner than that. 😉
see some of you soon in Dallas!
Hugs, Sharon
*sniff* I wish I could go to Dallas…I miss you Sharon. Have fun!!
Congrats, Sharon! It looks gorgeous! Have fun in Dallas.
Pais, Remmie’s going to that. *sigh*
Next year, I’ll be right there with y’all. It’ll be a bit of a drive, but not too bad.
The Restorer’s Son looks beautiful, milady!