As I wait for The Restorer’s Son to arrive, I continue to do interviews about The Restorer. Today I answered some great questions for Jake Chism at his blog, bookshelfreview.
If you have a moment, stop by for a visit.
Also, there’s a new review at Virginia Smith’s site. Check it out. 🙂
Blessings and gratitude!
Sharon Hinck
The Secret Life of Becky Miller (Bethany House, June, 2006)
Renovating Becky Miller (Bethany House, February, 2007)
The Restorer (NavPress, May 2007)
The Restorer’s Son (NavPress, September 2007)

I just ordered it from Navpress’s website! I was so happy to find it was available!!!!
Still waiting for it to be available for us! I check the suppliers every day and it’s still ‘on order’. 😀 i can’t wait!