Free copy of Restorer’s Son!

Lovely author Amy Wallace is offering a free copy of Restorer’s Son at her blog.

Stop by and read her fun post and leave a comment, and you’ll have a chance to win. 🙂

Blessings and gratitude!
Sharon Hinck

The Secret Life of Becky Miller (Bethany House, June, 2006)
Renovating Becky Miller (Bethany House, February, 2007)
The Restorer (NavPress, May 2007)
The Restorer’s Son (NavPress, September 2007)

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2 thoughts on “Free copy of Restorer’s Son!

  1. Already bought it! (and it was a great read!) Thanks for writing such meaningful books.

    I really enjoyed the way you worked the questions left by the first book into a cohesive part of the second.

    It’s great that your main character wasn’t always “nice”. It worked.

    Hmmm… I have other nice things to say, but I can’t seem to make the sentences work. So… thank you!

  2. Karenee, thank you SO much. I appreciate your support and encouragement so much!

    Yep, it was fun having a character who wasn’t “nice” and said and did things I WISH to, but never would. Hee hee!

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