More Treats

Last week I promised to share a few of the nourishment-bringing ravens in my life (ala Elijah at Cherith Brook).

Of course there are the deep, spiritual sources. I was recently invited to be part of a small group that gather early once a week for intensive, focused prayer. No chit-chat, no personal-issue prayer, just deep intercession. Quiet and powerful time.

I’ve also been savoring my iPod Bible. I’m not much of an audio learner, but when I listen WHILE also reading and underlining, I stay focused and it’s been a blessing.

But that leads me on to the less sacred-sounding treats. 😉

I adore iTunes. Recently friends have recommended songs that speak to struggles I’ve been having. With a few clicks, I find the song, hear a snippet, listen to ten versions by ten different artists, and then for ninety-nine cents, download my favorite. Nothing will ever replace the beauty of a real flesh-and-blood friend sitting on my living room couch, strumming a guitar, and sharing a new song. Or take the place of music celebrated in a live performance with full orchestra and a huge audience. But I have to admit, I’m enjoying the iPod world.

Along those lines, I’ve fallen in love with NetFlix. I joined because I was doing research for a novel coming out next year and wanted to experience how the system works (it matters to a character – heh heh). WOW! It opened a world of new video treats to me. My friend Kelli recommended the new BBC series Robin Hood and my daughter and I became instant fans. I also discovered Monarch of the Glen and thoroughly enjoyed the early seasons of the production (love those Scottish accents, kilts, and amazing scenery). I finally got to watch cable shows I’d heard about (FireFly! Wow! and Battlestar Galactica!)

Like my recent enjoyment of Plant Tycoon (and then Fish Tycoon) I know I need to pace myself. Too much electronic entertainment can be soul-numbing instead of healing. But in moderate doses, these have been true treats.

Another soul-restorative for me has been provided by Adagio Teas.
I love great quality loose tea, and I brew it in a coffee maker that is ONLY used for tea (no bitter flavor-stain from the machine). My favorite recently is Irish Breakfast.

And what goes better with hot tea than chocolate? My recent treat – Milky Way Midnight. Yum.

I’ve also been loving my Lands End corduroy pants. SO soft and cuddly and completely comfortable. (My number one criteria for clothing is comfort).

So many life experiences to savor and be grateful for.

Then there is crunching through piles of leaves on a walk through the neighborhood, soaking in an almost-too-hot bath after a chilly day, a leisurely phone conversation with a friend who “gets it,” the feel of a wood floor under my feet as I give myself a ballet barre and free tight muscles. Ah, the soothing pattern of tendu en croix. The calming progression from plie, to tendu, to degage to ron de jamb. The expansive develope and fondu and arabesque.

Sorry, got distracted there for a minute.

I approach pleasure (especially SEEKING pleasure) with a little Puritanical suspicion. But as I’ve accepted treats from God’s hand, it has brought a little refreshing to my spirit. And maybe it will expand my ability to appreciate the true pleasure – the eternal pleasure – of knowing Him.

Psalm 16: 11
“You have made known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”

So what are some of your favorite treats? Foods, music, movies? Let me know!


Sharon Hinck
(For recent interviews and reviews on The Restorer’s Son, click here.)

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9 thoughts on “More Treats

  1. Robin Hood is fabulous, isn’t it!! We are dying to see the second series. BTW, if you haven’t seen Richard Armitage (Guy of Gisborne) in the BBC mini series North and South, make sure you watch it! He is brilliant and a good guy – LOL!!! Think Pride and Prejudice but a bit grittier – set in newly industrialised Northern England rather than the south where P & P is set.

    LOVING The Restorer’s Son and yep, I was right about my little theory which you confirmed halfway through!!!

  2. Reading, horseback riding, and hanging out with friends and family. Just yesterday a friend and I got together for lunch and then went and played frisbee. We had a blast.

  3. There are many things I enjoy! I had a Zune which is a bit like an Ipod, yet mine was stolen from me, *cries*, I just loved listening to japanese music or some Red (great Christian metal band), but now its gone. So many thieves at my school.

    Anyways, back on topic, I love Borders, just to sit in there, and read manga (japanese comics) and also love my High Speed internet because I can easily find and watch anime on it and I can read your blog on it

    Ikea furniture-this awesome Swedish furniture is cheap but comfortable and pretty sturdy. I love my Poang chair and my green swivel chair, oh and my Ikea bookshelf!!!!!

    Shows I love- I love love Bones, Stargate, Battlestar Galatica, Doctor Who (the new series, you must rent it!!!!!), Death Note, Naruto, Avatar The Last Airbender, and Supernatural

    Recent Books I love- Your series of course, DIOM,Door Within, the Twilight series is a new found treasure for me, I have always loved vampire lore, but her series is a very great take, the vampires are not cliche Gothic vampires, also the author is a very nice women, waited in line for 8 hours to meet her.

    Nintendo Wii- Wii sports is so much fun, Zelda is excellent, and Super Mario Galaxy is addictive, but my favorite game of all is Trauma Center, a hospitable game with an excellent story line and really fun gameplay. Sometimes I surf the internet on the Wii!
    Food- I love vanilla creamers and Dolche lattes from Starbucks, and multigrain bagles from there, right now I’m a total soy milk addict, also I love pocky ( cookie sticks with either Chocolate and other flavors on them, they are Japanese0 and Sushi, and I love Milky Way Midnights with hot tea also!!!!!

    Can’t wait to read Restorer’s Journey, I thought Restorer’s son was better than The Restorer, even though I loved both!!
    God Bless,
    P.S. are you still offering Restorer’s Son bookmarks!!!

  4. Hey Sharon,
    I’m almost done with Restorers son, i want to rush through the book, but as i keep seeing the thickness on the right side of the book dwindle i find my self in desperate need to slow down, not wanting the story to end!

    I love the fact that you’re a scifi fan! I was ecstatic to know that. I about jumped out of my chair when i read you discovered Firefly. Wonderful isn’t it? My husband and I have written off shoot stories from that universe, because we love it so much. We both can quote the movie chapter by chapter! Ok so we’re a little weird! Its funny. We love Wash, he’s got to be the best. And Kaylee, i modaled a character on my Startrek RPG after Kaylee.

    In Robin hood, Much reminds me of Wash. I love it!

    We bought the Firefly season, and were about devistated when we found out why there were not any more! Its amazing how with only 9 aired eppies it picked up a HUGE following. Fox was DUMB to to dump it!

    Any way, off my soapbox! Netflix rocks, i can tell ya that. I think i’ve got about 200 movies on my que! I keep moving them around, and my husband and I are always looking for movies we watched as a kid that the other has never seen. So many classics!

    I wanted to tell you i’m enjoying Restorers Son. I had to take a break in reading today (at work!) and tell my co worker the story of Jacob and how he fought with God. Shes someone who ‘doesn’t like fantasy of Scifi’. I’ll win her over and get Restorer in her hands! She’s already interested since me and a friend i introduced to your books told her that there are a lot of Verses in it.

    I’m already eager for January, can’t wait for the next book! Its pure torture having to wait!

  5. WOW! Great ideas for more treats from everyone. Thanks for sharing!

    I’m adding lots of DVD suggestions to my Netflix queue from your comments. 🙂

    Justin – yes, I have lots of Sword of Lyric series bookmarks (with all three book covers and the sword) so just email me through my website and let me know how many you can use and I’ll send them. 🙂

    Everyone – thanks for your enthusiastic comments about Restorer’s Son.

    Kat – frisbee! I haven’t played frisbee in so long, I may need to brave the November snizzle (drizzly snow) and go out and toss one around.

  6. Oh my gosh, I ADORE the new BBC Robin Hood series! I am just dying for series 2 to start airing over here…it’s currently showing in England (BBC American should start airing season 2 episodes sometime in March). If you’re at all a fan of Sir Guy (Richard Armitage), Netflix North & South (based on the Elizabeth Gaskell novel). If you do let me know what you think!

  7. I LOVE Netflix! Hopefully when I get my new apartment I’ll be able to sign up with them again. It’s so, so much cheaper than renting.

    I have a lot of favorite movies, but the one I always list as my “favorite” is The Neverending Story. I’ve been hooked on that movie ever since I was a wee little one 😀 I never, ever get tired of watching it (and the book is 1,000 times better!). Honestly, if I were to list all of my fave movies, it would take up the whole page, and I’d probably still forget a few…

    Treats? Ice Cream … but I need to be losing weight, so I can’t talk about the “I” word…well, sometimes I can 😀

  8. I really want to see Robin Hood, I wonder if its on BBC America! If I get money, I might just buy it, I trust BBC. They made an awesome miniseries out of Charles Dicken’s Bleak House!!!

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