Blogger, pastor, and fantasy fan John Otte sent me this photo which totally made my day. I’ve gotten letters from readers of many ages, but sweet little Isaiah has to be the youngest yet. 🙂
Blessings, and may your day be full of good books!
— Sharon

Sharon, I started “The Restorer’s Son” before the holidays, and then got bogged down in all the crazy activities…and actually forgot that it’s on one of my bookshelves, waiting to be read! I’m definitely going to do so. As you know, I really loved “The Restorer.”
Awww, what a cute picture!
Cindy, you are such a joy. Thanks for popping by. I hope you enjoy The Restorer’s Son (now that you remember you wanted to read it – hee hee!)
Fire Phoenix – I KNOW, and I even got to cuddle Isaiah live and in person once. What a treat! He’s so brilliant, I’m not at all surprised to see him reading already. 🙂
that’s soo cute!
Sharon, you tell John Otte this early literacy librarian salutes him! Isaiah is well on the road to becoming a reader. Thanks for making my day.
That’s pretty cool! 😀
Haha, very cool 🙂