If you want to hear some of the secrets behind the new novel, Symphony of Secrets, pop over to hear my radio/podcast interview with Jill Hart. She’ll be posting it sometime in the near future – but I thought I’d get the link up since I’ll be away from my desk for a few days.
As usual, she asked great questions and we covered a wide range of topics.
Also, if you live in Minnesota, know anyone in Minnesota, or plan to be in Minnesota on February 23rd, please consider yourself invited to a
Symphony of Secrets Book Launch Gala Saturday February 23, 2008 1:00 p.m. Northwestern Bookstore – Maple Grove, MN
Plans include live music, free refreshments, a reading, author Q&A, book signing, tons of prizes AND a cool music-themed gift for each person who RSVPs.
So be sure to drop me an email to reserve your gift! One of my favorite things at past book launches has been the networking and fellowship that goes on. You’ll meet some cool people as you mingle – writers, editors, avid readers, musicians, church workers, moms, dads, kids, librarians and more! I can’t wait to see you there!
Sharon’s Books

I find it odd that you are posting from the future. How is it? I heard it was supposed to get cold…
I finished Symphony a couple of days ago.
THANK YOU! Thanks for not writing a typically formatted ‘Non-Christian meets Christian and ends up falling in love and coming to Christ’ type story. The story is well done and I loved the character development!