The celebrating continues for the release of Symphony of Secrets.
Pop on by Cara Putman’s blog for her thoughts on Symphony of Secrets and a chance to win a free copy!
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The celebrating continues for the release of Symphony of Secrets.
Pop on by Cara Putman’s blog for her thoughts on Symphony of Secrets and a chance to win a free copy!
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Shazza – I’m halfway through and loving it!!!
I hooted & thought fondly of you through the whole book! And I LOVE that the HEROINE is short and has auburn hair! Yey! 🙂
Loved the chapter headings & banter…but also that things don’t just wrap up glibly & neatly at the end…it’s very REAL!
This is my 1st time online in what seems like a month of Sundays…was down with that nasty 4-5 week flu from HELL that seems to be going around here. Glad to be back, my friend! You’ve been in my prayers…a REAL live email is in composition (saved in my Drafts for tonight because I have to go to bed…still turning in early w/the flu fatigue!) but know I’ve been praying for you very much…w/the surgery, the book launch, the health…everything! Love to you, dear friend & fave author!