Merry Easter

The view in Minnesota this Easter made me think of Christmas. But Isaiah summed up the power of the resurrection of Christ in his prophecy, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow.”

So perhaps a snowstorm is a good way to remember how Christ’s death and resurrection have overlaid my old nature with the beautiful purity of His redemption.

Maybe I’ll go outside and make a few snow angels to commemorate the angels at the tomb and their joyful proclamation. 🙂
His, Sharon

P.S. – Congratulations to Barbara H. who won the drawing for Camy’s new book (see post below). And congratulations to me because I figured out how to use a random number generator instead of writing all the names on scraps of paper for the drawing. 🙂

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5 thoughts on “Merry Easter

  1. Our Easter sermon was titled “Restoration”,and guess what? I had just finished The Restorer!!! Cool huh?
    Anyway, love the snow angel idea.
    Smiles! Cheryl

  2. Looks so pretty! Love the snow angel idea, too 🙂

    Hey, I’ll be close(er) to you this weekend! I’m flying up to Michigan to visit some friends 😀

  3. Would you please keep your snow in the midwest??! 🙂 We had snow overnight in the Seattle area, and more is expected tonight and tomorrow morning.

  4. We had snow this week too. Which is fine with me. I love snow and to have snow on the ground this week was just awesome. I’ve always been weird that way.

  5. Snow? We’ve been getting snow too, but around here it doesn’t stick. Actually, it shouldn’t be snowing it March! Usually it gets warm about now!!

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