Multi-author Events

Since being published, I’ve been blessed with many opportunities to partner with other authors – on book tours, speaking events, book signings, panel discussions. There is a great joy in spending time on an effort that doesn’t focus on promoting my own work, but ministering to people and supporting the work of other Christian authors.

I’m part of a fun event coming up on April 26 at the Maple Grove Northwestern Bookstore in Minnesota. Lisa Barry, from KTIS, will facilitate chats on stage with each of the participating authors. I know and admire each of these authors, and can’t wait to spend time with them again. We’ll also have oodles of prizes for folks who stop in the story, and special goodies for those who purchase books.

The events manager, Bev, even created a seed packet (complete with flower seeds inside!) using the covers of all our books. I posted photos of the packets below. What a fun, creative gift! Bev always makes these in-store events extra special. If you know anyone in the Twin Cities area, be sure to let them know, so they don’t miss this fun afternoon!


Sharon’s Books

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4 thoughts on “Multi-author Events

  1. What a cool event, Sharon! Do all of the authors live in the KTIS listening area? (Just wondering, because as a radio personality, I think it’s a great idea…but bringing the authors in from out of town would be an expense…)

  2. Hi, Flinn and Ruth!
    Yep, it will be SO fun. These sort of events are always great times of fellowship.

    Hi, Cindy! SO great to hear from you again! Yes, these authors are all in Minnesota – but we’ve done some events where authors have gathered from up to an eight-hour drive away. You might have enough authors in your listening area – or close enough that they’d be willing to bear the expense of driving in to gather. I know that as a writer, it’s fun to occasionally have a reason to get out of my “writer cave” and spend time with fellow authors.

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