A Visit from Sherri Sand & Free Book!

I’m delighted to announce the debut novel of one of my best friends, Sherri Sand.

Sherri and I met at Mt. Hermon many years ago. We immediately found that “kindred spirit” bond. We sat side-by-side in the fiction track, discussed various approaches to writing, and delved into our faith journey. In future years we giggled together as roommates, and cried together over hard lessons and rough roads.

We also became critique buddies. I always love getting feedback from Sherri on a batch of chapters, because we “get” each other. I know she’ll dig deep and find plenty of things for me to fix, but she’ll also look at the big picture and encourage me when the story is touching her heart–and that’s what we both long to do with our stories: glorify God and touch hearts.

We pray with and for each other often – via phone and email. When she called to tell me about her contract offer, I think I was more excited than when I got my own first contract. I know you’ll enjoy her book. She pours her love for God into her stories. Here’s some info:


Single mom of three, Sierra Montgomery is desperate to find a new job to keep from having to move back home and be smothered to death by her mother’s good intentions and overbearing love. So when Sierra inherits Chance, a quirky old gelding she doesn’t have a clue what to do with, she thinks her best bet may be to sell the horse to cover another month’s rent—a decision that devastates her children.

Enter Ross Morgan, a handsome landscaper who just happens to have an empty barn and fenced pasture…perfect for an old horse to live out his days as the pet of three wounded kids. Ross develops a soft spot for eldest child Braden…and he just might have one for Braden’s mother. But what he doesn’t have is time for distractions—he’s got a landscaping business to run.

But Sierra has a secret. She’s terrified of horses and—thanks to her past—wary of attractive men. Yet seeing the way her angry son idolizes Ross and adores that old horse forces Sierra to confront her fears. Will she remain distrustful and self-reliant, or will she seek help from God and those who love her?

You can visit Sherri at her website, and find her books at major stores or order online.

And for some extra fun, I’m holding a contest!

“Moms in Fiction”

Sherri and I both write heroines who are moms. Post a comment about some of your favorite moms in fiction, along with a current email where I can reach you, and you’ll be entered in a drawing to win a free copy of Leave it to Chance!

A few of my favorites? Anne Blythe (of L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Ingleside), Mrs. Murry (in Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time), Mibby (in Patti Hill’s Like a Watered Garden).

Can’t wait to hear your favorites!

Sharon Hinck
The Secret Life of Becky Miller (2007 ACFW Book of the Year – 2nd place, Lit category)
Renovating Becky Miller (2008 Audie Award Finalist, Inspirational Fiction category)
The Restorer (2008 Christy Award Finalist, Visionary category)
The Restorer’s Son (Romantic Times 4.5 stars, Reviewer’s Choice Award – Road to Romance reviewers)
New Releases:
The Restorer’s Journey
Symphony of Secrets

Coming Soon:
Stepping Into Sunlight

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21 thoughts on “A Visit from Sherri Sand & Free Book!

  1. Congratulations Sandi on your debut novel.

    Please don’t enter me in the drawing, I have mine on the way already, including one for a giveaway on my blog later in the month. I’m looking forward to sharing your story, Sandi!

    I wanted to play along here though. Annie Camden from 7th Heaven is my contemporary favorite fictional mom.

    Carolyne Ingalls would be my historical favorite fictional mom.

  2. I really like Claire in “Leave it to Claire” as a fictional mom. She is just so down to earth.


  3. I’m in the middle of Restorer’s Journey, and it’s so good!! I do enjoy reading about Susan and other moms in novels, esp. when I can relate to them.

    Sherri, the cover is beautiful! congrats on your first book 🙂

  4. One of Cindy Hickey’s books has an aunt who is raising her neice. Not a mom, exactly, but filling is as one. She is sooo funny, I love her.

    I have to agree about Caroline Wilders as a historic mom.

    And Claire in Tracey Bateman’s series.

  5. Congrats on your debut novel, Sherri!

    Two of the moms mentioned above make my list – Claire in Tracey Bateman’s series and Caroline Ingalls in the Little House books – but another favorite of mine is Elizabeth Baxter from Karen Kingsbury’s Redemption series.

    eviesmommo at yahoo dot com

  6. Becky Miller would have to be a favorite. Of course since she is such realistic fictional character. Then Laura Ingalls Wilder. Also, Beth Branning in Terri Blackstocks Night Light series. Who can’t sympathize with a mom who can’t color her hair because there is a power outage in the world. Enter me in the drawing. spowell01(at)bellsouth(dot)net

  7. Congrats, Sherri!

    Let’s see … fictional moms. I’ve never really thought about it before. I really like Madeleine L’Engle, so I’d have to say her characters Victoria Austin, Meg Murry, and Dr. Murry (I forget her first name).

    I like Caroline Ingalls, too, but would she really count as a fictional mom? Maybe a fictionalized one. 😉

  8. I love Lee Martin’s Deb Ralston. She mothers the world and is always picking up stray kids and stray animals – but she does a great job of taking care of all of them.

  9. Thanks for the kind comments!

    On favorite moms in fiction, I have to say Marilla Cuthbert from Anne of Green Gables though she isn’t a touchy, feely kind of gal.

  10. Congrats on the new book If aussies can enter please enter me.

    i would say Marty Davis from Janette okes love comes softly series.

    Dianne Pierceson from Meredith Resce’s The Schoolmasters Bride.
    She becomes the stepmother of a young deaf school who has been locked up for years cos they thought she was dumb also. but Dianne is a wonderful mother who brings out the best in the little girl.

    ausjenny (at) gmail dot com

  11. Hahah Susan The Restorer is my all time favorite story mom. She’s real, she had issues, she’s a mom and God used her in ways she couldn’t believe.

    Other fictional moms… hmm… I suppose moms from the stories I wrote dont count… LOL Cause they’re all like MY mom who ROCKS!

    Oh! Maddie in the Guardian King Series By Karen Hancock. She was a cool mom who had to go through a LOT!

    Firebird in Kathy Tyers book, because of the nature of the story she had to be seperated from her infant sons for a while… OUCH.. but she didn’t loose her flegling faith in God even when she was about to loose every thing, she’d already lost her place in life, now her husband and now her sons? I’d be tested to the limit right then and there!

    OK my list is going to get too long if I keep looking at my book shelf for memory triggers! LOL So please add me in to the contest 🙂

  12. My favorite fictional mom was already mentioned, Elizabeth Baxter in the Baxter Family series by Karen Kingsbury. Even though she is not specifically in most of them, after she has died her legacy has lived on and continues through her children.

    Sherri’s book sounds wonderful. I would love to win a copy.

    pleblanc_1 at charter dot net

  13. Sherri’s book sounds great. I have it on my wish list at CBD, but I would love to win a copy.

    One of my favorite mom’s is Amy Johnson in Symphony of Secrets. : )


  14. I know you’ll all love the mom in Sherri’s new book, too.

    And thanks to all who mentioned Becky Miller (so stressed out, but someone I related to a lot) and Susan Mitchell (the reluctant hero…which moms often are)…and HOORAY for Carrie for loving Amy Johnson who was the most flawed mom I’ve written (but I had great sympathy for her–even while she revealed some self-absorbed and cranky aspects of her mothering style). 🙂

    I love hearing about favorite fiction moms! Keep em’ coming!

    I’ll do the drawing later for the free book later this week.

  15. Wahoo!! I’m so excited about Sherri’s book. I’m one of her crit partners, and while she didn’t have time to submit her entire MS before it had to be turned in, I did get a sneak peek and get to help on over half of the book. I can attest that it’s GOOD!

    Even tho she didn’t call herself Anne’s ‘mom’, Marilla Cuthbert was a gruff but wonderful mother in Anne of Green Gables…still one of my all time favorite stories.

    miralee at gorge dot net

  16. “Let’s hear it for strong, resilient women!” Here are a few of my literary favorites: Marilyn Grimes in “The Interruption of Everything”, Reese in
    “Accidental Happiness” and Jean Waterman in “Lucky Strike!” Please enter me in your delightful book giveaway drawing. Many thanks,Cindi

  17. Ok, the ones that pop to my mind have been mentioned too…probably how the “popped” to mind, eh?

    Susan Mitchell, The Restorer
    Claire, Leave it to Claire
    Elizabeth Baxter, Redemption

    Please enter me in the drawing.


  18. Since I, too, finished the Restorer series, I really like Susan Mitchell. She’s so real in being a mom yet having additional callings for the moment that (miraculously, thanks, Sharon!) do not keep her from being there for her children.

    Another of my favorites is Margaret “Marmee” March of “Little Women.” I love how she shares her wisdom with her girls, how she teaches them compassion by example, etc.

    Please enter me in the drawing for “Leave it to Chance.”

    sarah dot brenner at gmail dot com

  19. Well, I’m a Susan Mitchell fan for sure!! And a Sherri Sand fan too!! I have just finished an ARC of her book to review for TitleTrakk – it’s a keeper!

    Don;t enter me, Shazza 🙂

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