27 Dresses

No, not the movie.
My recent weeks.

Here’s the thing.
I have a special event to attend in July, and decided it warranted a dress.

This led to great stress (Since I was a ballet teacher in the 80’s and 90’s, the “Flashdance” look – torn sweatshirt and leggings – was my idea of high fashion – my daughters shake their heads in dismay at me).

So I went to the local thrift store and found a beautiful floor-length dress that made me feel like Cinderella – boned bodice, embroidery, satin, tulle under-skirt…
But when I saw photos of the event, most of the people wore “going-to-church” clothes rather than gala clothes, and I didn’t want to overdo.

So I have a dress I wore to my eldest son’s wedding – but it wasn’t my color (it was lavender to go with the wedding colors). I got the bright idea to dye it…which resulted in an afternoon of Lucile-Ball proportions as I Rit Dyed my laundry room. It actually came out okay, but in the process of dying it a lovely blue shade in the washing machine, the little sequins basted to a few spots on the bodice fell off and left little tufts of thread everywhere. I trimmed the threads but the dress still looked rather shabby-chic and no longer a “dress-up” sort of dress.

SOOOO I ordered a dress off of E-bay which was a “Celtic-inspired” long dress with satin inset panels in the skirt, and from the photo looked perfect – plus it was only $19. HA! It arrived and was a little cotton SUNDRESS! No satin inset…just some shiny thread… It’ll be great to wear on the book tour in the fall with a tee-shirt under it…but is NOT at all dressy.

SOOO I went out hunting some more. My biggest problem (besides being ultra-frugal) was that everything was either dowdy or sleezy – nothing in between. What’s up with that?? I didn’t want something so skimpy I had to tape it to me to be sure no one saw anything they shouldn’t. And I didn’t want to look like Queen Elizabeth in some floral monstrosity.

Yesterday I found a little black dress with a draped neckline, capped sleeves, and a bit of sparkle on the shoulders. That will have to do. Fashion is SO not my area. 🙂

Then came the issue of shoes.
I don’t own high heels except for some tap shoes. My feet went through so much in my years in dance, I always go for comfort these days. I have some black flats, but they looked rather blah with the dress.

SOOOOooo, my dear husband took the taps off my shoes last night.
I might be tempted to launch into a time step or two, but I’ll look formal and understated while doing so.

Problem solved. Now I’m off to enjoy my garden where the irises are blooming and reminding me of Jesus’ words in Matthew 6. “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of teh field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.”

Sharon Hinck

The Secret Life of Becky Miller (2007 ACFW Book of the Year – 2nd place, Lit category)
Renovating Becky Miller
(2008 Audie Award Finalist, Inspirational Fiction category)
The Restorer
(2008 Christy Award Finalist, Visionary category)
The Restorer’s Son (Romantic Times 4.5 stars, Reviewer’s Choice Award – Road to Romance reviewers)
New Releases:
The Restorer’s Journey
Symphony of Secrets

Coming Soon:
Stepping Into Sunlight

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2 thoughts on “27 Dresses

  1. Personally, I think I would have gone for the Cinderella dress, despite everyone else. But who asked for my opinion? :o)

    I’m sure you’ll look perfect!

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