A Few Highlights from ICRS

Honestly, the trade show for the Christian Booksellers is about retailers and publishers, not about the authors. And for authors, the experience can feel a bit squelching since topics of “bottom line” and sales numbers don’t nestle comfortably next to our artistic vision and creative spirits.

This was the third time I attended, and I went knowing God would most likely use some difficult experiences to reveal aspects of my character in painful ways… a great opportunity for repentance and growth.

There were certainly some of those opportunities. There were also lots of fun moments.

Here are a few:

*Sharing a bus ride with a gentleman from New Zealand who had read my books.

*Meeting a store manager who had told one of my publishers how much my books had meant to him – so they contacted me and had me come over to meet him. What an encouragement!

*Listening to Robin Parrish try to convince me that his seven-month-old baby can speak full sentences. He pulled out a recording for me to listen to that he claimed was “I love you Dada.”
For the record, I heard, “ah wa da da da da da da.”

*Responding to the man in the ceiling when he answered my question about where I was in the convention center. (Okay, so my roommate claims it was a recorded greeting- but I choose to believe otherwise)

*The wonderful writer’s retreat I was able to attend before ICRS.

*Hearing a recap of Christian fiction throughout my generation at the Christy dinner – and feeling such joy about how it has developed and deeply honored to be a tiny part of it.

*Talking Robin Lee Hatcher into doing a tour jete’ in her Birkenstocks in the middle of the street.

*Cuddling Cara Putman’s new baby. Ah, sweet soft baby head nuzzled under my chin.

*Giggling with my roommates.

*Multitudes of conversations with the delightful people that populate the writing world.

There were more special moments but those are a few that pop into my mind. I’ll get some pictures up soon… laundry awaits.

Sharon Hinck

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One thought on “A Few Highlights from ICRS

  1. Hey, Sharon, I’m so glad you posted this. Now I have a sense of what the dinner was like.

    Visionary was a tough category this year. I knew it would be. I think it was tremendous that The Restorer was on the finals list.


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