Recognizing Variety

When I was working on my Master’s thesis, I struggled to articulate a core belief that has shaped many of my life choices and my desire to work in the arts.

I believe that God is so awesome and multifaceted, that we need a variety of means to communicate with Him and about Him.

I love that He’s given us a variety of art forms, music, drama, dance, poetry, sculpture, paintings etc., and even when we use them all, we only are able to convey tiny glimpses of His amazing love and glory. We constantly strive to utter the unutterable.

Within the art form of storytelling, I also believe we need variety. is highlighting the 2008 Book of the Year finalists, and as I browsed the collection of authors and titles, I thanked God for the wide range of genres and styles. Check it out! And consider trying a new author, or a new genre. You might see an new aspect of God’s nature in a new way.

Book of the Year 2008 Finalists

Sharon Hinck

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