The Imaginative Mind of the Writer

While at ICRS, I was reminded that we writers inhabit a world of “normal” people, but we often view it from a slightly off-center location.

When my dear roommate and I went over to the convention center to pick up our badges the day before the event, we were dropped off at a back door. We walked into a deserted lobby and I said, “I wonder where we are in the convention center?”

Immediately a gentleman’s voice from the ceiling answered, “You’re in the west concourse.”

Of course I looked skyward and called, “Thank you!”

Then he said, as we rode escalators up, “Welcome to the convention center. Remember you entered via the west entrance.”

“Thanks, I will!”

By then my roomie was shaking her head at me. I later explained to her children that there was a very kind man in the ceiling who answered questions, and he was probably sad at how often he was ignored. I encouraged them to speak with him when they visited the next day.

Meanwhile, we reached a long corridor. There was a truly interesting sign over the entrance…worthy of a fantasy novel’s “Beware ye who dare enter.”

The fuzzy photo (I’m not great with my camera) shows what it said: “Stand clear. The door may roll down at any time.”

Or course I made my roommate stand under it while I took a picture (that photo didn’t turn out). I’m not sure why that sign struck me as funny. It was kind of the convention center to warn us that a door could randomly drop at any moment. But it made me feel like I was in some sort of Tron game.

Life is never dull when you have an over-active imagination.

It might be hard to find roommates to put up with you, though.

Sharon Hinck

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2 thoughts on “The Imaginative Mind of the Writer

  1. As we discussed, I also saw (and loved) that sign. Lacking a roommate, I kept looking around for someone with whom to share its humor! WHO KNEW that I would find that person on the bus/at the dinner table Monday night?

    Someone knew. And Someone knew your work would be nominated for those ACFW awards, too. Huge congrats and more prayers from


  2. Yes Congrats! 😀

    Of course having READ most of those titles I and all your other fans know how well written and delightful they are. For instance, I do not usually read ‘chick lit’ (lack of explosions would be the reason why) even though I am indeed a ‘chick’. But Renovating Becky Miller and The Secret Life of Becky Miller pleasantly surprised me. I was pulled in, I smile empathetically as Becky searched for significance and struggled to understand how much she was loved, and found myself musing over things long after I closed the book.

    So not only did you entertain and provoke thoughts, you helped me gain more respect for the genre. Am I going to read more chick lit in the future?

    If you write more I might 😉

    For now, back to my swords and battles, last chances and desperate ventures.

    Btw, I’ll be praying for the tour in Cali this fall!

    It was so much fun to have you guys last year at His Way in MD! 😉


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