You’re Invited – July, August, September

In honor of the upcoming release of STEPPING INTO SUNLIGHT (a novel about a Navy chaplain’s wife who does small acts of kindness as part of her journey toward healing) I’ve created a new blog.

I’m gathering friends for a fun cyber-event in September – to join Penny (the character) in her project. If you can participate by blogging about Penny’s Project sometime in September and sharing some of your own ideas for small steps of kindness, I’d love to link to you on the new blog. My hope is that we’ll rock our world with Jesus’ love in new and creative ways. Just leave a comment at this link and I’ll add you!

Even if you don’t have a blog or website, you can participate by visiting Penny’s Project during the next few months, sharing ideas and comments, and participating in the September steps of kindness project.

You can try Penny’s challenge of one kind act a day for the whole month of September, or just try one kind act that month. You could blog about your experience and tell friends about Penny’s Project. It’s up to you!

Have a blessed day!

Sharon Hinck
…stories for the hero in all of us

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