A Day of Vacation

After the busy couple of days of traveling to talk about Stepping Into Sunlight, Ted and I spent a day relaxing before heading home.

The first photo shows a ridge we climbed in a state park near Wisconsin Dells. It felt good to work our muscles a little after all the hours in the car, and the scenery fed our souls.

While up on the ridge, we watched some eagles, and captured this one rare shot from overhead. I think this is the first time I’ve gotten a picture of a soaring eagle while looking down from above.

We also found a monastery not far from the Dells that had the Stations of the Cross in a wooded setting. We found it and walked quietly along the path, pausing to read aloud the scripture verses and prayerful liturgy at each stop. With a backdrop of tall pines, lush ferns, nearby creek, and solitude, it was a very moving and strengthening experience.

As I pondered the cross that Jesus was willing to carry for me, I prayed for the courage to bear my own little crosses in life with more strength, submission, and gratitude.

Have you ever walked along a trail and felt like the journey was a time of prayer?

I’m so glad that God has put the beauty of mountains, oceans, trees, rivers, flowers and deserts into this world and continues to allow us to meet Him in all those places . . . as well as in cathedrals, churches . . . and our own living rooms.


P.S. – if you haven’t found it yet, be sure to check out the Penny’s Project blog, where you can join Penny Sullivan (the character in Stepping Into Sunlight) as she seeks to do a small step of kindness for a new person each day.

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