Book Tag

A brief interruption to my road trip report, because the awesome Merrie Destafano tagged me for a book list game.

Becky Miller at A Christian Worldview of Fiction listed five MUST Read novels and five Keep Your Eyes on These novels, then she tagged five bloggers who posted her list on their site. They may then add one book to each list but must also subtract one book. Finally they should tag five other bloggers, link back to the person who tagged them, and comment to this post so visitors here know to check out how they may have changed the list.

(Just a note – I haven’t read all of these, but I’m passing along Becky and Merrie’s recommendations and plugging in one of my own.)


My additions are in bold.

Five MUST Reads:
Demon: a Memoir by Tosca Lee (NavPress)
Broken Angel by Sigmund Brouwer (WaterBrook)
To Dance in the Desert by Kathleen Popa (Cook Communications)
The Restorer by Sharon Hinck (NavPress)
Healing Promises by Amy Wallace (Waterbrook/Multnomah)

Five Keep Your Eyes On These:
Scarlet by Stephen Lawhead (Thomas Nelson)
On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness by Andrew Peterson (WaterBrook)
Auralia’s Colors by Jeffrey Overstreet (WaterBrook)
Shade by John Olson (B&H)
The Legend of the FireFish by George Bryan Polivka (Harvest House)

The bloggers I’m asking to post the lists (and make one book-for-book change to each list if they wish):

and since I noticed a couple of these friends were already tagged…I’ll add another.


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4 thoughts on “Book Tag

  1. I think my comment got lost. Arrgghh.

    (great opportunity to practice my memory skills)

    I love your book choices, Sharon! Shade is one book that I am really looking forward to reading when it comes out!

    And I love what you are doing over at your Stepping into Sunlight site. September is going to be a month filled with blessings!

    : )

  2. You know, last time I played a blog-tagging game like this, I wound up tagging nothing but people who had already been tagged! Oh well. Good list! I’m going to have to keep up with all this and make a big list of the must reads!

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