Interview on The Harvest Show

If you’ve been following my blog, I’ve been posting about my road trip to South Bend and the great bookstores I visited along the way (which I’ll continue with tomorrow). The purpose of the trip was for an interview with The Harvest Show on Friday, August 1, 2008.

Friday morning I was excited to head to the studio. We’d spent about twelve hours on the road the day before, so even after two cups of extra-strength English Breakfast tea, I wasn’t sure I was capable of speaking coherently, but we prayed for God to guide my words.

We found the LeSEA studio and had fun learning about their international broadcast ministry. We sat in the studio while they taped the live show. Because they had some unexpected extra features, they decided to tape my interview after the show, and it will air on August 7th. That was nice, because I had a chance to watch the show, and get to know more about the co-hosts.

Kelly Morgan and Chuck Freeby were as easy to talk to as old friends. At one point, I almost referred to something Chuck had said in a devotional thought during the live show…then I remembered that I couldn’t reference it because my interview would air a week later! Eeek! I caught myself just in time. Ted said it went well, but of course once it was over, I thought of things I wished I’d said. Still, I was able to share my passion for Christian arts, and for the new book.

Here I am on the set of The Harvest show with Chuck and Kelly. Kelly is holding a copy of Stepping Into Sunlight.

During the taping of the live show that day, one of the staff read some email prayer requests from viewers struggling with depression and anxiety, and it reaffirmed to me how many people will be encouraged by this new novel.

I’m so excited for its release, and praying God accomplishes His purposes with this story.


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4 thoughts on “Interview on The Harvest Show

  1. I was able to watch your interview this morning on the Harvest Show. I want to go get your books at lunch time. Thank you for what you do. Can’t wait to read your books!

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