A Visit from Bryan Davis

I’ve always loved books. Growing up, authors were mysterious and amazing gifts to my little world. So once I became a novelist, one of my favorite perks was the opportunity to get to know other authors and spend time with them.

Each week for the next two months, I’ll share a little about one of the authors from the Motiv8 Fantasy Fiction Tour. I toured with these authors from October 3-12, 2008, all over the West Coast. You get to know a lot about an author when they get up at 4:00 a.m. to hit the road for another long day of events, or you see them sit beside a child in an oncology unit to share a book, or you teach an English class side-by-side with them. I hope whatever genres you read, you’ll enjoy hearing about the HEART of each of these authors.

This week I’m showcasing Bryan Davis.

Bryan is a prolific author with a testimony of incredible persistence. You can read all about his many books at his website, and interact with other readers at his forum.

But after touring with him twice, I can share that one of his special qualities is that he has a passionate father-heart that extends beyond his own family to all young people. Even with his busy writing schedule and huge commitments of writing, teaching, and traveling, he gives many hours of time each week to chatting with youth at his forum, mentoring young writers, and praying for young people seeking Christian truth in a difficult world.

On the recent tour, I got to hear amazing stories of risks he took in order to step out in faith and obey God, and about miraculous answered prayers. But what touched me the most was when he spoke at the Calvary Chapel service about his longing to provide stories that will help young people who have been tormented by the enemy. He is a man with a heartfelt calling and pushes himself beyond the limits to carry out that calling. I teased him that he’s an android, because I’ve never known anyone who can function on so little sleep, work so tirelessly, and continue to write at such a pace.

While many different ages read and enjoy his books, his series are particularly geared toward teens. My teen daughter gobbles up his books, so I’m glad he writes as fast as he does!

Sharon Hinck

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One thought on “A Visit from Bryan Davis

  1. Sharon,

    Thank you for this show of support. I really appreciate it.

    It was fun touring with you. You are a great example of godly Christian womanhood.

    Bryan Davis

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