Author of the Month

One of the highlights of the Fantasy Fiction Tour was getting to meet Deena. She’s had a long-running blog that actively and fervently promotes Christian fiction, posts reviews, and supports Christian authors.

The photo shows our meeting in Sacramento.

Deena has begun a new feature on her blog – highlighting one author, in depth, each month. The month of October she’s been posting about me – including a new interview, a review of Stepping Into Sunlight, and several contests. You can see the menu of features here.

Be sure to stop by and thank her for all she does to help get the word out about novels by Christian authors!

Sharon Hinck

The Secret Life of Becky Miller (2007 ACFW Book of the Year – 2nd place, Lit category)
Renovating Becky Miller
(2008 Audie Award Finalist, ACFW BOTY finalist)
The Restorer
(2008 Christy Award Finalist, ACFW BOTY finalist)
The Restorer’s Son (ACFW Book of the Year Winner, Romantic Times 4.5 stars, Reviewer’s Choice Award – Road to Romance)
New Releases:
The Restorer’s Journey
Symphony of Secrets

Now Available:
Stepping Into Sunlight

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2 thoughts on “Author of the Month

  1. 😀 Sharon, I loved Stepping into the Sunlight! I loved it so much that I thought 'hm, I should write her and let her know' and then I thought 'wait, why don't I write a review instead? She all ready knows how good the book is 😉 and this way I tell her and others.' So, I just finished. I left it on B&N because Amazon is more difficult to post reviews at, but I'm working on it there! Anyway, look for everlastingscribe and you'll see what I thought about it.

    In Christ,


  2. Oh, Michelle, thank you SO much.

    First, no I didn't "already know how good the book is." 🙂

    In fact, I had huge doubts about how this book would be received. It was the hardest book to write, and took more rewrites than any other. Two years of work. So it means a lot to hear from people who appreciated it.

    And THANK YOU for posting a review at a public site. I don't think people realize how much it matters when they post a recommendation at amazon,, B&N, etc.

    I appreciate you SO MUCH! And I pray that anyone who could be inspired or encouraged by the story will find it.


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