Creative Writers at Crown College Rock!

Last night I had the privilege of hanging out with a college class and chatting about the writing journey, answering questions, etc. It was my first time visiting Crown College (St. Bonifacius, MN).

I had an incredibly uplifting and inspiring time.

The students were earnest, engaged, bright, fun, and asked terrific questions. Their faith and mission-minded hearts were obvious. They didn’t only care about “How do I get published?” sorts of questions – but also the “How do I serve God as a writer? What does it mean to be a Christian who writes novels?” issues. I sensed that they really cared about communicating effectively for God’s kingdom, and serving Him with excellence.

Their professor, Casie Szalapski, is a treasure, and I’m so grateful she invited me to visit.

If you are ever feeling a little blue about the world, find a Christian college’s writing class to visit. You’ll be smiling for days.

Sharon Hinck

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3 thoughts on “Creative Writers at Crown College Rock!

  1. Okay, I have to ask it. Is ‘it ROCKS’ a part of your vocab that has been around for years, or is it perhaps a recent addition due to some of the rogues and rascals that you have been chumming around with lately?

  2. LOL! I think you’re right.
    I may have used the phrase in the past, but the rogues on tour probably rubbed off on me, too.
    They were always “rocking the suburbs” and saying things like “I’m stoked”…. bless ’em.

  3. Thanks for the wonderful comments about our students and professor. The students and faculty of Crown College “ROCK.”

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