Reviews for Stepping Into Sunlight

I recently heard from my publisher that ForeWord journal will include a favorable review of Stepping Into Sunlight in their Nov/Dec issue.

In part, the reviewer wrote, “. . . At this moment, Penny’s long journey of healing begins. If this were all the book had to offer, the author’s language and pacing would be enough to carry it forward, but Penny confronts not only the fear prompted by her brush with death, she also discovers pockets of shameful judgments she holds about people.”

I loved that the reviewer commented on some of the secondary character-growth themes that mattered to me in the story. I’m always tickled when someone catches what I’m going for in a story (besides my mom or my wonderful editors).

I’ve been so humbled and blessed by the positive reviews from Publisher’s Weekly, Library Journal, and other journals like ForeWord. You can read professional reviews and endorsements here.

But I’m also delighted when I hear from readers.

Here are a few thoughts from recent emails about Stepping Into Sunlight:

“Your writing reached so deep into the hurting places of my own life that I could only read a chapter or so at a time. I could so identify with Penny and her pain. Yet, hope shone through, too.” — Judy

“I have NEVER related so deeply with a fictional character before… that was so perfectly descriptive…I even had my husband read some of the passages because you were able to articulate things I have been unable to.” — Robin

“You gave voice to the broken and showed how beautiful we are in God’s eyes.” — Amy

I treasure mail from readers and am in awe that God had a message of hope for various people who picked up the book with a variety of needs. He’s amazing that way.

Sharon Hinck

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3 thoughts on “Reviews for Stepping Into Sunlight

  1. Sharon, I am not a bit surprised. Thank you for being a willing servant writing a story that needed to be written for Christians who quietly and painfully suffer too fearful and misunderstood to speak.

    Never alone.


  2. I’m not surprised God reach through your stories to touch so many ‘where they hurt’ because, as you said it, “He’s amazing that way”. When that happens, you KNOW that it is He that does it and not you yourself! Keep listening to that Inner Voice that gives you the stories to write down for us readers.
    Pam Williams

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