Sharon Visits Australia

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My Aussie friend from Relz Reviews hosted a book club that read and discussed The Restorer.

I often visit book groups via speaker phone, (if you’re part of a book group, feel free to email me and request a visit if you’re discussing any one of my books!)

For my visit Down-Under, because of time differences, the women gave all their questions to Rel, who emailed them to me. She’s posted my answers here – some fun inside scoop about The Restorer and about me.

They asked some unique questions…and I learned a lot, too.

Who knew that Aussies don’t enjoy Chex snack mix? 🙂

And who knew that women in another hemisphere would identify with the faith journey of a middle-American mom? Isn’t it neat that way that God weaves us all together?

I hope you enjoy your “visit” with my Australian friends, too!


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4 thoughts on “Sharon Visits Australia

  1. Sharon, we were definitely very blessed to have your input. ‘The Restorer’ was a fantastic read, so to be able to pick your brain about that and other completely off-topic stuff was so much fun. I appreciate the time and effort you took for us ~ I know you’ve been busy!

    I have the next 2 books in the series on my Christmas list. A girl has to have some excitement over the Christmas/summer holidays!!!!!

  2. Thanks for letting me visit, Rel and Tracy!

    And Tracy, it’s still hard for me to wrap my mind around celebrating Christmas in mid-summer instead of mid-winter. 🙂

  3. We’re very confused here about it too Sharon. Summer, non traditional Christmas meals ~ snow men on cards and other Christmas decorations, Santa still wears his winter get up etc etc.

    It’s really quite funny.

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