A Little Too Busy

Saturday I did a book signing at the Twin Cities Christian Community Fair. I had a ball meeting people, chatting, talking about books. I helped one fellow with info on where to find armor when he saw my sword on the table next to the Restorer books. And I got to visit with Susie May Warren whom I admire and always learn from. And I met the owners of ShoutLife and have a great chat with all they are doing to build the Christian online community. It was a fun event at the end of a string of events that have been spooling out since . . . well, probably July.

Preparing for the release of Stepping Into Sunlight, I began doing more speaking events, more store visits, more interviews, more teaching . . . so many events I had no time to update the events page of my website or blog about them all.

For someone who is a blend of extrovert/introvert like me, years of writing alone in my office take a toll, and I truly treasure the opportunities to spend time with real people instead of fictional characters. On the other hand, I always underestimate how much energy and time each event takes to prepare for and recover from. And how difficult it is to get back into the fictional world and actually WRITE during these too-busy stretches.

This Thursday I’m doing a workshop at the Minnesota Library conference, but that is the last in my long string of events. (Well, except for a December signing, some radio and blog interviews, and writing retreats that I host at my home . . . but those are spread out with plenty of open days between). I’m determined to be better about keeping margins in my life. I loved the book of that title (Margins) and have a whole library of books on simplicity, balance, rest. Yet somehow I’ve just gone through several months that got a little too busy.

It sneaks up on me. What about you? Are you a little too busy? Besides the problem of exhaustion, when I’m too busy plowing through my “to do” list, it’s harder for me to hear God’s gentle prompts to serve in an unexpected way that wasn’t on my list. I’m not as patient with people who need me. I don’t have time to NOTICE the needs of others, much less meet them.

Lord, teach us to order our days. And thank you for today. If it’s okay with You, I’ll start my tasks–but I’m listening for You to steer me if there are new directions where You want me to go. Amen.


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2 thoughts on “A Little Too Busy

  1. Sharon, do I have permission to save your post and send it back to you when you need it? 🙂

    Seriously, great insights. Thanks for sharing them. I’m glad you’re finding some margin.

    Enjoy your time with the librarians! They’re great people. 🙂

  2. Thank you sooo much for being such an inspiration to me- and all of us who love you and your writing.
    How do you get dealt in on those “home retreats”? 🙂

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