I recently blogged about being okay with my half-baked blogging skills.
However, the casual approach doesn’t extend to my work as a novelist. I’ve always had a passion for pursuing excellence in working at my art – whether that was in theatre, music, choreography, or writing.
Trying to capture an artistic vision sharpens the critical eye. That’s good. It pushes me to keep working, honing, trying to get closer to conveying something with power and beauty.
The pursuit can also be discouraging, because I never quite reach it, and often grow hyper-critical and see my work falling far short of where I’d like it to be.
That’s why I’m grateful when God sends encouraging words my way . . . when someone else applies their critical eye to the work and believes it captures something of value, and lets me know that. Today, a reviewer sent me this assessment of my new novel, Stepping Into Sunlight.
By the way, if you haven’t yet picked up a copy, you can get one personalized and autographed by me at Signed by the Author.
Now, it’s time for me to get back to work on studying, honing, reworking, doubting, and hoping.
Sharon Hinck

Hello. How are you?
Oh, hey, I tag you…
– Melissa (FOG on Bryan Davis’s forum)
😀 Half-baked blogging skills? Psssht.
I’ve always enjoyed the eclectic and harmonious way you’ve blended your different doubts, fears, and gifts here. I really admire your honesty and your sense of humor and am delighted with what you have time to share with us.
Your blogging reminds me of music played by a wood flute. Sometime it’s merry, other times it’s melancholy, and still other times it stirs the blood and bones to action. But always, it’s *real* and that is to be treasured above anything else in this life.
If I could, I would stick a gold seal on your page that says ‘flawed but authentic blogging happens here’
😀 Stay true to who you are in Him, and true to yourself.