Free Book

Happy 2009!

I’m welcoming in the New Year by giving away a copy of Stepping Into Sunlight . . .

with a twist.

It’s a copy for YOU to give away to someone you want to bless!

To enter, visit my Penny’s Project blog and read the post “Many Penny’s”

Then leave a comment after that post about a small act of kindness AND an accurate email where I can reach you if you win.

Easy, yes?

Oh, and I’m getting ready to mail out my free quarterly ezine. If you aren’t already a subscriber, you can sign up in the right-hand column of my website for devotional thoughts, insider info, etc.

Sharon Hinck

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One thought on “Free Book

  1. I will visit.

    But I wanted to leave a comment here to say WELCOME BACK.

    I’m continuing to pray for you. I’m still amazed by your writing and His good work in your life.

    And no, this wasn’t on my “Penny” checklist for today. You’ve been on my heart and in my prayers so I wanted to let you know.


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