A Challenging Question

I love chatting with various bloggers about the writing life. Blogger Annette Irby just posted a new interview she did with me at her site.

You can find a question no one has asked me before, that I found very challenging . . . and see how I answered it by visiting her post.

Thanks for letting me visit, Annette!

Sharon Hinck

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3 thoughts on “A Challenging Question

  1. Sharon, are there going to be any more in the restorer series. I have LOVED them, couldn't put them down, read them in a week-end. I have read Thousands of books and I really enjoyed this series. God bless, Lisa P.

  2. Hi, Lisa!
    Thank you for your kind words.
    In my head, the characters are still living and plenty of stories remain to be told. I hope and pray I have an opportunity to write more of their stories one day.

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