A Novel Idea!

If you are interesting in writing fiction, teaching fiction, or even interested in the role of the arts in a life of faith, this is a tremendous resource!

Last night a friend dropped by for a visit and brought her copy of

A Novel Idea: Everything You Need to Know about Writing Inspirational Fiction

I’d heard it had released, but my copy hadn’t arrived yet. What a treat to see! The book is a compilation of articles by many different Christian novelists.

I was honored to be included with an essay, “Why Fiction?”

One of my passions is the value and purpose of the arts in a Christian’s life, so this article is close to my heart.

It was a double treat to see, since illness has kept me from being able to write this past year. I miss the adventure of creating so much, and have an even deeper appreciation for the joy of story-telling since I wrote the essay a year ago. If you dream of writing and have the physical and mental ability–do it! And get your hands on a copy of this book. It will be a great resource and inspiration.

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3 thoughts on “A Novel Idea!

  1. I purchased a copy at ACFW. Sharon, what a wonderful surprise to open Novel Idea and find your inspiring essay on the first page. Thank you!

    Novel Idea is like a writers conference in book format–every article a workshop. Thank you to all involved in this project.

  2. Awesome! I'll have to snag a copy once I get some cash 😉

    But I've got to be saving up for another certain collection of stories from a certain collection of authors.


    Happy writing Ms. Hink!

  3. Ms Hinck,

    Not sure how to connect with you here, but we're both now listed on edenstar. You have an interesting website. I invite you to look at mine [www.johnknapp2.com]and to respond there or at my email [johnknapp2@gmail.com]. It appears that we have similar interests and, perhaps, an overlapping audience.

    –John Knapp II

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