God is omnipresent. He is always here. Yet sometimes He opens my eyes to become more aware of Him – of specific ways that He is “showing up.”
I love when God shows up.
This morning I made it to church. During the past two years of health challenges, that has been a rare treat for me. Then our pastor sheepishly shared with the congregation that he had accidentally mixed up the planned dates for sermon outlines and prepared a sermon on Romans 8, which was supposed to be next week.
Hooray! Romans 8 is absolutely PACKED with strength and comfort.
THEN, after the service, he shared that a visiting pastor with a spiritual gift of healing was available to pray with people.
(For some of you, that might be a common occurrence, but in our reserved, buttoned-up denomination it was a precious opportunity.)
As my teen daughter put it, “That was sure a God thing.”
My hubby helped me forward for prayer. The words this pastor prayed over me gave me spiritual goosebumps. He specifically prayed in praise that God is able to heal that which scientists don’t understand and doctors don’t know how to fix. Those words of faith were exactly what I needed. More than anything, I needed the reminder that my life and health and future are completely safe in God’s hands. But most of all, I’m rejoicing that God understands the cells of my body. They aren’t a mystery to Him. And I know He will provide exactly what I need to accomplish His plans for my life.
Limitations have made my life very quiet and small in recent months. I’ve had to redefine what “my purpose” looks like. But God continues to show up. I love that about Him.
Sharon Hinck

I am not familiar with CFIDS, but I Googled it and educated myself.
Please share with us how we can specifically be praying for you. I am sad to hear about your health challenges of late, and especially, that you haven't been able to write. I enjoy your writing so much.
Sharon, what a special touch from God you had today. I'm pretty sure you and I are members of the same denomination, and for that particular type of prayer to be offered is indeed amazing. I think it speaks to how God is working in all His people. My church is much more open to the moving of the Holy Spirit than most others in the denomination I've attended. Not that we're speaking in tongues, but every now and then some of us raise our hands in worship :+} Glory!
Praying that God will continue to minister to your body and soul. Be blessed!
I'm glad you were able to go to church this week. Thanks for sharing with us.
Thanks, Laura! I'm not giving up on one day being able to write novels again. Recently there have been a few more "windows" where my brain functioned a bit at the same time my body had energy to type. Coolness! Praying for those moments to multiply. Each time, I try to write a tidbit. It might be only a Twitter post instead of a 100,000 word novel…but it's something! 🙂
Jennifer, you crack me up. Yes indeed, we also have a few who lift their hands sometimes, and I rejoice. The Holy Spirit is on the move.:-) I LOVE my church and my denomination, but also love the new openess to new things God may want to do.
Thanks, Cassie. I used to take it for granted, now I really appreciate each time.
Hugs, all! Thanks for commenting!
I love when "God shows up" hooray!!
I agree that the awesome grace, love, and mercy of the Savior will fall upon you like the oil from Aaron's beard bringing all healing and joy to your very being.
(your friend the accidental charismatic)
Praise God, Sharon! I love when He shows up like that! He's so tender & specific! And yes, His spirit is alive & well, even amongst the "frozen chosen" as we call you Minnesotans w/a wink! 🙂
love to you!!!
Nina Ruth 🙂
Praying for you Sharon! Thanks for your openness and honesty. I'm so thankful that the Lord is showing you ways of hope, comfort and strength.
You are in my thoughts and prayers my friend.
Nora St.Laurent
Finding Hope Through Fiction
When Brandilyn and Steve shared at conference what you've been dealing with, CFS was the first thing that went through my brain. I don't have it, but I do battle fibromyalgia which is a cousin and the two often coexist.
I've been praying for you! We met on the shuttle to the conference in Dallas in '07 and I've never forgotten how sweet, wonderful and bubbly you were. It was just what I needed to calm my nerves about my first writer's conference.
I have had adrenal exhaustion/CFS for the past 4-5 years. I am just now coming out of the fog thanks to God. I had an epiphany last night as I was reading p.266 of the first Becky Miller book, regarding how and why God slowed Becky down. Thank you for letting God write through you to touch others.
I also adore your Restorer series. I counsel Christian women, and we talk a lot about how the enemy plants lies in your head like the Rhusicans do. I love how, in your book, only the Verses (Scripture) can counter the enemy's lies. Such truth! God bless you and I will pray for you.
Thanks, all, for your prayer and support.
D'Etta, I'm so delighted that God brought you some insight in the Becky Miller story, and that you resonate with the "mind poison" imagery of the Restorer books.
Hoping I can return to writing soon.