All three Restorer books are going out of print in two weeks.
Although I feel sad of course, I’m also using this time to remember the stories, reread all the precious letters from readers, and be grateful that the stories had such a great run.
So let’s celebrate! Share your favorite moment from one of the books, or something that made an impact on you, or a favorite quote.
More than any of my other books, I’ve received the most heartfelt mail for these stories, so I know God used them.
I remember walking with a friend week after week during the time I was writing the books. She listened to my angst as I talked about how much the stories burned in my heart, and how frustrated I was that the odds of this strange genre-blending story finding a publishing home were near impossible. She reminded me that if God had called me to write the stories, I could trust Him with what He planned to do with them.
I also remember the moments that certain plot twists just “happened” as I was writing, and took me by surprise.
The second book is my favorite. I loved watching the characters develop and deepen, and loved catching a glimpse of how the One was steering events to bring grace, hope, and help to the characters. But all three touched my life.
The stories also led me to plenty of interesting places…the Christy finalist’s dinner, book tours, book clubs, college classrooms, the ACFW awards banquet…and to precious new friendships. What an adventure!
I have a limited number of books on hand, so if you want autographed copies, you can order those at Signed by the Author. They are also still available at CBD while supplies last. You can do some online Christmas shopping. 🙂
Now, please share a farewell thought for the books!
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How in the world is it possible they are already going out of print? This series is one of my favorites!!
One of my favorite scenes is when Kieran battles the angel. It was an intense, emotional scene!
Thank you for sharing your writing with us Sharon! You bless us with your gift.
In Christ,
Mimi B
That makes me so sad, Sharon! I absolutely LOVED those books. My personal copies are floating around, having been loaned to people…this makes me want to round them up and give them a place of honor on my bookshelf.
I've said several times that three books made me realize I could love fantasy: The Restorer, Jeffrey Overstreet's Auralia's Colors, and Andrew Peterson's On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness.
I'm pretty sure I've seen at least one of the books at a local public library. May they live on and continue to bless readers!
I loved every part of all three books. I am so sad there won't be a number 4. Hope you feel better soon.
These books really inspire me. I don't know if I have a favorite part, but I think my favorite book is the last one, even though I was sad to see it end. I really grew attached to the characters, and seeing them in action in the last book was great. These really are some of the best books I've read, and I still have trouble believing they're going out of print! 🙁
I really enjoyed every turn of events in the books. I took a lot of notes on the books of things I could use in my own writing. Thank you so much for writing them!!
I'll be praying for you. God bless you!!
Oh NOOOOOOOOOOO! I am still waiting for book 4!
Thanks for joining the party. It's fun to remember the fun of the stories.
I haven't given up hope of finishing the fourth book in the series one day, so don't despair. 🙂
My favorite book was #2, but all of them will live in my heart forever. Of all the fantasy books I've read, this series has to be one of my favorites. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your heart with us.
Sorry I don't have an account so I can't post my name…I'm Sarah.
I have to say my favorite was probably book 2 as well. After seeing Kieran in the first book I was really excited to get inside his head.
I really identified with all of the Restorers in some way though. I'm 17 and I know God has placed a calling on my life to be a missionary. But I've gone through times when I've really felt like I couldn't do it. I've told God all about my faults and fears, telling Him how unworthy I felt. I've wondered why in the world God chose me instead of someone else more able. So I loved watching the characters in your books go through some of the same struggles and trials. (Of course I've never picked up a sword!)
Sharon, save a copy of books 2 and 3 for me! Book four will be the best one yet! Blessings and prayers!!
Sarah, I have no doubt that God will provide the courage and strength that you need for each step in your service for Him. He USES broken vessels. Now that you wrote about it, I realize that is one of the things I enjoyed about watching the Restorer characters on their adventures…they couldn't trust in their own innate goodness or wisdom…that had to rely on God's grace, forgiveness, and His
way of being mighty THROUGH them.
Thanks so much for sharing!
Cheryl, there are still copies at the two links mentioned in the blog. Hope you can snatch them up before they're gone. 🙂
Hugs and thanks to all for sharing!
My middle daughter has passed these around as witnessing tools to her fantasy-loving, non-Christian friends. It's opened some great lines of conversation. These words will not return void, Sharon–take heart that God's will always comes through. :o)
Sharon, like everyone else here I'm heartbroken that The Restorer series is going OOP. Trying to pick a favorite moment or favorite character from these books is like trying to pick a favorite chocolate–I love 'em all.
I enjoyed getting into Kieran's head and his struggles with his calling and identity. I loved watching Susan grow in the first book, embracing her Restorer call and allowing The One to empower her. And the whole concept of the suburban soccer mom falling into this foreign world was both hilarious and challenging on many levels.
Another thing I loved is the way The One manifested himself in a cloud and wrapped himself around his worshipers. What a beautiful picture of God's love for us and his yearning to hold us close.
The Rhusican mind poison spoke to me at a very deep and fundamental level. I routinely battle poison from my past, voices telling me I'll never succeed at anything, stinging my tender heart with ugly nicknames I can't repeat, telling me to get back down the hill where I belong instead of climbing toward my dreams. "Singing the verses" is the only effective weapon against the Rhusicans, and the most effective against my version of mind poison. That aspect of the books spoke to me at times when I needed a good but loving "boot to the backside" reminder. Thanks.
Will these books still be available for Kindle? It makes sense that they would be, since there's no inventory cost. I hope they are. There are still people who need to read them!
Blessing and strength to you. Keep singing the verses!
Man, this is going to make life harder for me. I always recommend them to customers coming in looking for a 'unique' read and I have so many young women who want to see the females in fantasy stories taking a stronger role.
Kieran is a favorite character of mine because I see far too much of myself in him.
But my first love will always be Susan.
Annnd recently I was digging through my boxes of book I'd bought for various friends and discovered I had a signed copy of The Restorer but I hadn't put a name of who I wanted to give it to.
I was going to do a contest/give away on my blog with it and now hearing this I think it's the perfect way to celebrate the series!
It's impossible to pick a favorite book or moment, but I think one of the things that spoke to me most was the mind poison of the Rhusicans. How easy to fall into the trap! How simple–and powerful–the cure.
Hi Sharon! well, as you know, the Retorer books mean so much to me & kindled our friendship! You know my affection for Kieran (whether I'm dating a "Kieran" & you've suffered through all my dating woes the past couple years, LOL!) or being a "Kieran" & insisting upon wrestling w/the One…Your books taught me so deeply about surrender, trust, love & life!
And to quote a reader (Daniel) above, "The Rhusican mind poison spoke to me at a very deep and fundamental level. I routinely battle poison from my past, voices telling me I'll never succeed at anything, stinging my tender heart with ugly nicknames I can't repeat, telling me to get back down the hill where I belong instead of climbing toward my dreams. "Singing the verses" is the only effective weapon against the Rhusicans, and the most effective against my version of mind poison. That aspect of the books spoke to me at times when I needed a good but loving "boot to the backside" reminder. Thanks."
Yes, well said (or should I say, "well-met!") Daniel!
So, I raise my cup of clavo to you & with you & thank my God upon every remembrance for you! He is the Resurrection & the Life!
Nina Ruth 🙂
One my memories of reading them is sobbing when Keiran "dies" in the 1st restorer. I seriously thouht he had died. I enjoyed all the books so much, they have encouraged me and it was awesome to read something that was clean and not all about romance.
Thank you so much for writing them!
In His-Story,
They were inspiring and the way they ended keeps it open to imagine about.
Ms. Hink, I could not believe it when I read this! I have been looking at your Restorer series in the catalog for years, wanting to buy them and read them, but never actually doing it.
Thank you for posting about the discontinuation and giving us a warning. Because you did, I have just ordered the whole series before it is too late to get them. I am looking forward to finally reading your books.
May God guide your pen,
Kim – your daughter ROCKS. That is so cool.
Daniel – you have a beautiful way with words. Thanks for sharing.
Scribe – you're so awesome. And I LOVE the idea of a book give away.
Val – I agree, and I keep needing that reminder often.
Nina – raising a cup of clavo to you, too.
Everyone – it's fun hearing your memories of favorite bits from the book!
OOOOH! One more thought for the Restorer Party.
Which character are you?
I think I'm Linette…although I certainly identify with Susan, too.
It's a bit of a gender bender, but I'm definitely Kieran. 😀
Hey bards and wanderers, you know I just had a thought–since the books are on their way out of print (places like alibris are amazing when they are actually out of print) I am going to go around and tag the books and rewrite my reviews for them to get the word out before they become difficult to obtain. Anyone else up for doing the same?
Can I just say, this sucks!
While I'm sure you are handling it with class–as always–I still know it hurts.
More than the books, I love the lady behind them…you. And fortunately, she's never going out of print, only from glory to glory.
Thanks for all you've done for our Daddy's kids, and all you will continue to do.
I love your guts.
You know CH, I like your style. It is a nasty thing to find out. It really is. And honestly, I'm still miffed about it.
But you're also right that the real treasure isn't the books (all though they are mighty fine) it's Sharon, who takes after the Rose of Sharon.
Hee hee! you guys are so sweet.
Yep, I'm glad that *I'm* not going out of print. 🙂
I truly feel so grateful that I got to write novels, that they had an opportunity to be published, that some people found them and were blessed or encouraged by the stories. I want to focus on that blessing and not the "what if's".
But thanks for feeling this all with me. Thank you for caring. It means a lot.
I can't believe the books are going out of print! My introduction to the books came through my granddaughter when she thrust the first book into my hands and said "Gran, you HAVE to read this!" I did, and promptly ordered the second one for each of us. (five minutes ago I ordered 2 copies of #3)
Out of print? My mind refuses to believe it is possible, and my heart is deeply saddened It's like learning a friend you have learnt to love has suddenly died.
Can't we gather the Guardians and storm the publisher and printer? There are so many more people who need to read these. They should be in every school library!
I think I'm part Linette and part Susan.
May the One heal you, protect you, always guide you, and give you many, many more words to turn into books for His glory.
love and blessings,
Lynette, thank you for that lovely blessing.
No storming of the gates is needed…(although a picture of Guardians on lehkans made me giggle).
I'm actually very grateful to the publisher that they made the books available for as long as they did, even though they are changing their focus away from fiction. I'll trust God that He fulfilled His purposes for the stories.
But I sure appreciated your compassion. Part of me is definitely grieving. Thanks for understanding.
I just finished The Restorer last night. I've had the book for some time, but couldn't ever seem to "get into it". Truly, the Lord spoke to me, as he did to Susan, about surrender. I am saddened that the books will be going out of print. Trust me, I will be finding copies of #2 and #3! Thank you for your obedience to write what He says.
I'll miss these books being in print. They've touched me so deeply and helped me personally in my walk with God. Although I'm not a mom, I'm so very much like Susan that (in the Restorer's Journey) I wondered whether you had read my mind while writing the books. Thank you so much for sharing these stories with us all.
The Restorer's Son was definitely my favorite of the three, and my favorite scene in it is tied between Kieran meeting the One, and Kieran meeting Jake. Both scenes made me laugh, though for different reasons. 🙂
I finally read the first book and can't wait for #2. It was so moving and spoke to me in many ways. Thanks for your obedience in writing a different kind of Christian fiction. May the One give you strength on your journey.
As a voracious reader, I am continuously on the look-out for the unique book, the one that breaks the mold, one that will stand out among the overabundance of historicals, Amish, & romance on the Christian bookstore shelves. The Restorer series provided that.
Thanks, Sharon, for daring to write your passion. It really shines through in these books.
You are a tremendous encouragement to all readers & writers alike.
Thanks, everyone! You made this farewell party so much fun! The paper work came yesterday for the ending of the contract for the books. I'm truly no longer feeling blue. It's been such a joy to celebrate the stories and know that they were a blessing to many readers.
I can not believe this series is disappearing. And you know I'm not a fantasy person!
I love that the whole series started out with just a mom trying to have a quiet time. I can relate! LOL
Cara – Hugs to you!
Dawn – HEE HEE – and have you noticed? She never DID get her quiet time. 😉
Sharon – I thank God for the Restorer Books and that I got to read them! I was led to buy them at a time I really needed encouragement in my walk with the Lord and a restoration of vision. The books truly touched my heart deeply and ministered to me. I can't believe they are going out of print! If the Lord led you to write them – perhaps there is another Christian Publisher that will print them? I hope! I too, was excitedly anticipating the continuation of the series. And there are still other people out there that need to discover and read these books – I believe! Dorothy L.
Please, please write a fouth, fifth,… in the Sword of Lyric series!!
I have enjoyed every page. I am reading book #3 very slowly savoring every minute.
Thanks so much for a fantastic series.
Out of print–how is that possible? I'm still introducing peole to these wonderful stories, bringing new fans. This is one of those series that I expected to get a longer shelf life. I agree with Dorothy: there are "still people out there that need to discover and read these books." Sigh.
Every one of the books is a real gem, but I suppose I like the second book the best. I actually started with this one because I won it in a contest. Oh, how glad I am for that contest!
Others have said what I am thinking, so I just repeat–thank you for sharing such wonderful books with all of us. I thank God for guiding you to write them.
Hello Mrs.Hincks,
I just discovered the books through scribe scrawling's blog. I have devoured the first one, and now await the others from the library. You write a masterful tale. If you ever have a writing conference on the west coast, sign me up!
Hi, Sam!
I'm glad you discovered The Restorer and liked it so much!
I have taught at writing conferences, but have had to give that up for now, so no travel or teaching is in my near future. But blessings on your own writing, and be sure to check out the page on my website under "Encouragement – for writers". 🙂
I'm so sorry to see these go out of print. I loaned out my copies, and the readers were so blessed I just let them keep and circulate them. Guess I'd rather hurry and replace mine!
The part that ministered to me most was the scene in Book 1 where the woman is rocking and whispering, "Not enough. Must do more." (Going from memory here…) Isn't that the condemnation that whispers to so many who are performance oriented? And it's such deception. There was such power in that scene.
Sharon, I hope one day the Lord will let you see how very many people you have blessed.
Thanks so much for sharing, Lynn!
I'm so glad you caught that little specific mind-poison battle that Kendra had. I DO think it reflects the sorts of lies we modern women listen to. 🙂
Thanks for your words of encouragement!
I was in a Christian book store about two weeks ago, browsing, when I picked up the first of your Sword of Lyric series. I NEVER buy a first book in a series, unless I've first read them as a copy from the library or borrowed from a friend, and feel like they are worthy to be on my book shelf. (meaning: worth reading over and over again) But something I read on the back cover just spoke to me, and I decided to make the purchase. And OH MY GOODNESS! I have never marveled so much over a series before! I read the first one in two days (cuz I just couldn't put it down) I immediately ordered the second and third books, and have just tonight finished the last book. You are an amazing writer- and this series has got to be one of the best I have ever read! The last book only left me hungry for more! I want to hear more of Kieran and Linette in Hazor. And Tristan and Kendra, Susan, Mark, and Jake….all of those wonderful characters you have so skillfully brought to life. There's got to be more of their story swirling around in your head, just itching to be put down on paper. Oh, please say I'm right! Blessings to you…and I look forward to reading more of your work. Keep it coming. 🙂
Hi, Renee!!!
Your comment made my day. I'm so delighted you found the books and were so captivated by the stories.
I'll let you in on a secret. Yes, I'm working on the fourth book. I certainly have more stories to tell about Kieran and Linette in Hazor, and Susan and Mark trying to see Jake again. 🙂
It's been slow going because of some challenges in my life, but emails from readers like you really fuel my commitment to keep working. Thanks for your enthusiasm…
and may the One grant you courage for each day's journey!
Sharon, when I walked into Family Christian Book Stores in Fort Wayne, IN months and months ago, I was looking for a new book to read. I saw "the Restorer" on sale, and it looked very interesting. When I had time during the start of the school year, I brought it every day and found myself completely absorbed not only in the epic story but in the faith, and the Verses that kept reminding me of God's presence in our lives. I actually didn't know there were two more books, and so I ordered them online. The second book I just could not put down, I knew something was going to happen, and I had to keep reading. I could not believe Nolan was Kieren's son, that Kendra and Tristan were having a child finally, and learning about King Zarek. I went every step of the way with these characters that really were real to me and still I think of their times. Now, I just started "The Restorer's Journey" and am on page 219, bringing it everywhere. You have such true talent and such a dedicated, faithful ability to write, you don't know how it has touched my life. I have been meaning to contact you somehow, and then I learn you are on blogger, which made my day!
I'm sorry if this is a bit long, but I am spilling my heart out here. Some of my favorite and surprising parts here in this third book:
When Susan is haunted by Nicco and Medea, entering and twisting her every thought/memory, that really reached out to me. Also, there is no Council? When I read that on Sunday, my mouth dropped open! I hope when Lukyan breaks the news that the "new" Records are fake, people won't completely lose their faith. You have portrayed Cameron so well, and I honestly don't know what is going to happen. I love these stories that are basically a part of me. I realize I have become stronger by reading and connecting, especially when Kieren fought with the One in the second book, then spent time talking with him. I felt His warm hand and His love surrounding me. Just like the One is always present everywhere, even in sinners like Hazorites.
Also, when I was reading the Verses, I felt such strength and power from the One. I actually copied my favorites down and the Creed, and tried to memorize them. They rhymed so perfectly and held His Voice.
I can't thank you enough for sharing these intriguing and satisfying stories with the world. You have done so much and spread His word. Like Lukyan said, "Trust the One. No need will go unanswered. Follow His task for you today. What you cannot do , be assured the One will send another to do."
Thank you again and God's blessings over you and your family forever. You have changed many souls and brought a lasting light of hope too many.
Please keep writing…
MaryAnne Skora
Wow, MaryAnne,
Thank you for sharing all that.
It really blessed and encouraged me.
I giggled when you said you were happy to see I'm a blogger…because my blogging has sadly had to be very sporadic recently.
But at least there are lots of past articles to browse, even if my new posts are far between. 🙂
Anyway, it is my deepest hope and prayer that I'll be able to return to writing novels, and I'm trusting God for strength and health for whatever He intends for me to accomplish.