Happy News

I know I haven’t been able to blog much this past year, but for those who still pop by occasionally to see what’s new, I wanted to share some happy news.

I’ve signed a contract with Marcher Lord Press to release new editions of the Sword of Lyric series books. While it’s great to get the books back in print, I’m especially excited about adding some bonus scenes, behind-the-scenes notes, and other surprise features that will make the new editions extra special.

And – to answer the question I find most frequently in my emails each week – yes, I have been working on a fourth book, as well. I had several chapters of the fourth book written a few years ago before health issues sidelined me. Whenever I’m able, I do a bit more work on it, and have made a tiny bit of progress. It’s slow going, but I’m not giving up. 🙂

Meanwhile, have a blessed Christmas, and may you feel the presence of Emmanuel – “God with us” – throughout each moment of every day.

Sharon Hinck

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24 thoughts on “Happy News

  1. YAY, Sharon! I'm so STOKED about this news! WOOOO HOOO! I bet MLP will give your series the kind of treatment it deserves! Let me know what I can do to help promote your books when the time comes!

  2. Sharon ~ just thrilled with this news 🙂 And the possibility of a fourth book is simply tantalising! Hugs to you Shazza. Love "Jane"!

  3. It is so great to hear this great news!
    You have been in my thoughts and prayers and I'm so happy for you!!!!
    Sharon, you continue to be such an inspiration!

    Blessings, hugs and prayers for you and your wonderful family.

  4. Good to hear from you again! Great news about the re-release of the Sword of Lyric series, and I am very much looking forward to the new book as the Lord enables you.

  5. Awesome! I'm crazy glad for you, Sharon. MLP is a wonderful publisher, and with your books on their line-up, they'll be even better. God's work certainly is memorable. May He bless you as you continue to write!

  6. WOO HOO!!! What wonderful news, Sharon. So pleased for you (and for us who love your books lol) Praying all goes well and still praying for your health. May your Christmas be especially blessed.

  7. Sharon, tears came to my eyes while reading about your good news. God is faithful, my friend. Congratulations! What a fabulous Christmas present.

    I'm praying for you as you write the fourth book. God will provide.
    (Psalm 73:26)

    Merry Christmas!

  8. Congratulations greatly Sharon! What wonderful news that these books will be back again in more print. Good luck with your next one, take your time and put your health before that. Merry Christmas and God bless you always.

  9. Woah, really? I was just wondering if you were going to write more when I saw this! ^^

  10. I too am very excited about a book 4. I just ordered all 3 on Amazon. I keep going back to the library and checking them out again!

    I just keep getting drawn back over and over. It's time to have my own copies.

    Laura S.

  11. I am so terribly far behind in congratulating you on this, Sharon, but I have been rejoicing with you since the news was made public! You are such a gem, and I'm delighted to see your heart will continued to be shared with more readers!

  12. Thank you so much to everyone who posted.

    When my energy is low, I treasure the enthusiasm from others…it really stirs the desire to give of my best in each little window when I can work.

    I'm finishing a sixth bonus scene this week, and beginning a seventh devotional article based on themes in the first book. How I hope these new elements will be a blessing for readers!

  13. Just saw this, Sharon. I am SO happy for you! Congrats. These books deserve to be out there. So glad people will be able to get their hands on them again. And a new, 4th book? Awesome!

    Be blessed,

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