More Restorer Art from a Reader

And these two drawings of Kieran are by Elizabeth Wallace. I love the depiction of the scene of Kieran losing his sword fight with the One.

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4 thoughts on “More Restorer Art from a Reader

  1. So cool! I'm actually rereading The Restorer's Son right now. It's definitely my favorite out of the three. Thank you so much for writing this amazing trilogy.

  2. THanks, Eldra!
    The second book is my favorite, too… although I try not to have favorites among my books. They're like children…I love them all in their unique ways.

  3. That they are.

    I have a question. When you wrote the scene where Kieran sits down with the One after their fight, where did you come up with the idea to have the One snap off the piece of twig and throw it at Kieran's forehead? Was it supposed to be a moment of humor after quite an intense, life-changing scene? Because every time I've read it, I've laughed to the point where my stomach hurts.

  4. Hi, Eldra,
    I'm so glad you appreciated that moment. As I was grappling with the idea of God Incarnate – taking human form and relating to us in ways we could better understand – and thinking of the ways Jesus interacted with people, eating, walking, fishing… it just seemed like another way that the One would interact with Kieran in a way Kieran could understand. 🙂

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