I’m so excited to be holding a shiny new copy of The Restorer – Expanded Edition. And I’m excited that I figured out how to use “photo booth” on my computer to take this picture.
If you want to treat yourself or others to a book (which is still one of the best, most enduring entertainment values around in my humble opinion – hooray for books!) I wanted to alert you to some “Black Friday and Beyond” specials.
Be sure to check out Marcher Lord Press – If you order The Restorer-Expanded Edition (at their discount price!) you’ll get two free gifts. But visit soon, since it’s a limited time offer. And check out all their other books by terrific authors. Huge discounts for two days only.
AND if you want a gift under $5 – take a peek at . . .
The Secret Life of Becky Miller (a would-be super mom struggles with her spouses job loss)
Renovating Becky Miller (coping with a disability while juggling a home remodel and more)
Symphony of Secrets (musical mystery with a touch of romance)
Stepping Into Sunlight (inspiring novel of a woman’s emotional healing)
Those aren’t used books, either. Those are new, autographed, and will be personalized to you, or whomever you wish to give the book to.
Happy gift giving and happy reading!
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