Do you have times when you’ve made your plans, and see the road smooth and straight in front of you…and then God invites you onto a detour?
I think the theme of my life lately has become. “God has another plan.”
When I finished the year-long job of writing new material and preparing the new editions of all the Restorer books (I turned in the 3rd book’s material to the publisher the end of December) I planned to begin work on the 4th unfinished Restorer book.
A few weeks into my carefully organized year, I was delighted by an interruption. Apparently Mornings With Jesus has been well received, and the editor invited me to write for a 2013 edition they are planning. I’ve been quiet here on the blog, because it’s taken most of my coherent words of the day to work on those.
But for friends who stay in touch through checking on my blog, I felt I needed to take a moment to post an update.
I’m hugely excited that The Restorer’s Son-Expanded Edition releases in one month! Part of my work time each day has gone into gathering “influencers” (people who help spread the news when the book releases) and gearing up for the release. And I’ve continued to work with my assistant Jamie to let libraries and bookstores and readers know about The Restorer-Expanded Edition. Thank you to all of you who have helped spread the word!!!
My new plan is to resume work on book 4 in May. I feel terrible leaving Mark and Susan trapped in an assassins enclave in Kahlarea all this time…and Linette… well, I don’t want to give away spoilers, but I’m eager to get back to her and help her story along to a happier place. 🙂
Has God taken you on any zigzags lately? Are you finding His grace in the detour?

I am so looking forward to the 4th book!
Thanks, Renee!
I hope to dig back in to the work soon. Am praying that if I'm intended to finish this book, that God will grant the inspiration, direction, and skill needed! 🙂