I’m working on my next Book Buddy newsletter, which will be released soon.
As always, there will be a devotional thought, exciting updates on writing projects…plus a little bit of fun personal news.
I try to send out the Book Buddy update about four times a year. If your email has changed, be sure to resubscribe with your new email.
Also, I use a double-opt-in service, to protect you from being signed up to anything you don’t want (and to make it easy to unsub at any time). So if you signed up and never received newsletters, it may be because you missed the confirmation email. Be sure to take that second step and also add the newsletter to your address book so your program recognizes and accepts the newsletter.
Subscribe for free at my website.
Sharon Hinck

I'm ready to receive those "exciting updates on writing projects." Going to make sure I'm signed up now! <3
Looking forward to the news!!!