Let My Words Be More Than Clanging

“If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.” I Corinthians 13:1

When writing a novel, there are zillions of concepts to keep in mind. Craft, creativity, diligence and skill are vital, but I’m glad for this reminder of our key focus. Our writing is an overflow of God’s love for us. If I’m not motivated by love for Him and for the readers of the book, the words are just more noise in a world already full of clamoring.

Lord, thank You for loving us. As we write, or serve You in any other way, let the core of our work center on loving You and others. Let Your heart of love shine through our work. Amen.

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One thought on “Let My Words Be More Than Clanging

  1. The love that you have for the Lord and people does shine through in all of your books and writing–I am always blessed when I read your thoughts!

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