Glimpses of Glory

“Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth.” (Psalm 57)

My hubby and I recently spent a week up north. The beauties of Lake Superior, of ridgelines covered with fall color, and secluded trails through pine forests all gave us glimpses of God’s glory and refreshed our hearts.

Good timing for me, as I returned to the intense work of proofreading the galleys for The Restorer’s Journey-Expanded Edition, which is about to release. I’m so excited to have the third book of the series back in print, and the new expanded version has over 60 pages of new material. I’ll be visiting some blogs, doing a special contest, and other fun things throughout October as the book releases. Stay tuned!

And as I prepare for the release of RJEE, I’m continued to feel blessed as people discover the first and second books, as well. The Christian Manifesto recently posted an indepth review of The Restorer-Expanded Edition (book one in the Sword of Lyric series) which you can read here.

It’s tempting to get swept into the work of a book release and lose perspective on other aspects of life. While we were enjoying fall color, I kept meditating on Psalm 127. “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.”

Whatever projects are requiring our attention, let’s take time to step aside, look up, and catch some glimpses of God’s glory over all the earth.

Sharon Hinck

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