Scavenger Hunt!

Hooray! The Fall Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt begins at noon on October 25th. I’m jazzed to be participating again. You can read about the hunt here, and mark your calendar. We did this event last spring and it was a blast.

As a BONUS treat, I’m giving away a set of ALL my general fiction paperback novels (The Secret Life of Becky Miller, Renovating Becky Miller, Symphony of Secrets, and Stepping Into Sunlight) with a drawing from THIS post.

Here’s how to enter for my personal bonus prize.

I’m looking for folks to help create Book Buzz for my new release, The Restorer’s Journey-Expanded Edition. You can tweet to let your friends know about the book’s release, or post on facebook, or blog, or ask your local library to order the book. OR you can get extra creative and think of other fun ways to let your friends know about the book’s release.

Just leave a comment to this post from now until the scavenger hunt ends on October 28, telling me how you created buzz for The Restorer’s Journey-Expanded Edition, and you’ll be entered in the drawing. Extra creative and enthusiastic ideas will be entered twice – doubling your odds. Please also leave an email where I can reach you if you win. Thanks!

I hope you’ll have fun with both these contests, and enjoy discovering new Christian fiction!

Sharon Hinck

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14 thoughts on “Scavenger Hunt!

  1. I love your books, Sharon, so it's so EASY to tweet and post and talk about them. I've tweeted with links to MLP and posted links on both my FB and Author FB pages. Praying people will catch the wave and find out just how fabulous this series is.

  2. I tweeted and posted on facebook. I do love your books and have been promoting them for years. Every time someone says they are looking for something to read I drop your name and The Restorer Series.

  3. Sharon, you've been such a huge encourager to me in my writer's journey, and I'm only too happy to do what I can to return the favor however I can. I've featured RSEE and a post about you on my blog last week, and RJEE+ is coming up the week of November 6. Each post gets tweeted as well, so I hope the buzz is catching!

  4. Katherine, YOU are such a wonderful encourager to ME! Thank you for your compassion and support. WOO HOO for the blog posts – I'm so grateful! and you are in the drawing for the BONUS PRIZE! 🙂

  5. The Restorer series I have not only recommended to anyone that says they're a reader but had my book club read it and it is a standard that I give as a gift.

    I have all your books so I don't need to win any 🙂 but I do have to say the Restorer series by far is my favorite.

  6. I'm so excited about the release of The Restorer's Journey EE! I've posted a giveaway drawing on my website, and shared it on facebook as well. Congratulations on the new release!

  7. Stacy, I'm so delighted you recommended the books to your book club! What a great idea. And Ginny, your give-away is AWESOME!

    LOTRconfan – THANK YOU for posting.

    You've all been entered in the BONUS drawing for the four books! (Stacy, if you win, you can use them as gifts since you already have them all. 🙂 )

  8. Hello sweet friend & favorite authoress! 🙂 I have spread by FB, word of mouth, Pinterest & twitter & also forwarded to several friends who are very current with posting to their literary blogs to get the word out!! I am excited for you!!


    Blog post and Twitter post
    The Restorer's Journey-Expanded Edition

    Book Buzz
    Posting link to my blog and your blog on my Facebook newspage. Liked current four posts about the book on your FB page.
    Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House

  10. I have not read your books before but they have definitely caught my eye, so will be checking them out. I have shared on Facebook, liked on Amazon as well as tweeted. How very generous of you to offer up your books. Please enter me to win them.

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