Cover Reveal – Deliverer


The Deliverer
(coming this summer)
A world tuned to deception. A heart waiting for deliverance.

A young songkeeper travels to sing the praises of the One in the dark and foreign world of Hazor, but her confusing, rough-edged companion has lost his Restorer gifts. As danger rises against them both, she loses her freedom, her memories, and her hope. Now even the very music of her soul is threatened.

In our world, Susan Mitchell no longer feels at home in the carpool lane. Her secret trips through the portal and worry about her son, who is out of contact in Lyric, have taken a toll. When a mysterious message hints Jake is in danger, she and her husband are swept away—to the place they least expect.

(To see the terrific current Enclave releases, visit them here.)

Sharon Hinck

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