Lyric Entry – Jessica White

Thank you to everyone participating in the Song of Lyric contest!
There is still time to send your lyrics in to be posted on my blog in April and May.

The winner will be announced in June.

Today’s entry is by Jessica White:

Totally Surrendered

As I watched the storm approaching
My heart filled up with fear
My mind began to race because
I knew no shelter near.

But You showed up in that moment.
You said “Be not afraid.”
You would lead me up to higher ground
If by Your side I’d stay.


You lit the path
So I could see,
And when I fell
You carried me.

It was You who rescued me.

You lead the way
To higher ground.
It’s by Your love
That I was found.

It was You who rescued me.

And I stand in awe of You….
Totally surrendered.

You clearly knew the way although
The path was not well marked.
And patiently You guided me
As the sky grew very dark.

And as we reached the hilltop,
You pointed out a light.
There below a cabin stood
Where we’d be safe for the night.

Chorus (repeated)

As the rain began to fall,
You opened up the door.
You turned and You asked me
“Do You want to know Me more?”

In that very moment
I saw Your nail scarred hands.
I understood Your sacrifice
And what Your word commands.

(Chorus melody different words)

You took my place.
You died for me.
You bared my sin
On Calvary.

It was You who set me free.

Lord by Your grace
You washed me clean.
It was Your love
that rescued me.

It was You who set me free.

Totally surrendered.

Please encourage each author with your comments. (They get extra points in the contest for comments).

Stop back often for more entries!

Sharon Hinck

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5 thoughts on “Lyric Entry – Jessica White

  1. Easy to understand, good lyrics, would love to hear this with music. I picture a sweet, soft melody.

  2. These words are so beautiful. Inspiring, comforting. Such a good reminder that we're not in this life to "do it" all on our own; that we are loved and cared about, and really matter to our God. Thank you for sharing these.

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