Free Book for Book Buddies

Recently I received an email asking me, “What is a Book Buddy?”

Great question!

When my first novel was published, I knew I’d need support – prayer support, and also folks who liked Christian fiction and would help spread the word about my books.

I called them my “Book Buddies” and sent them regular updates.

In recent years, I’ve cut back to quarterly newsletters via email (we all receive so many emails, I didn’t want to add to the clutter). Those newsletters include devotional thoughts, inside info, special offers, prayer requests, and a prayer for the Book Buddies. Sometimes I’ve also sent ideas for easy ways to support the novels you believe in.

I recently sent all the Book Buddies a link for a free 60-page ebook Bible study that digs into themes from the lives of Deborah, Gideon, and David.

Great news! You can also have this free book! Just sign up to be a Book Buddy.

I hope you enjoy the devotional Bible study, and also will enjoy staying in touch!

Sharon Hinck
author of The Deliverer

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