Lyric Entry – Naomi Conti

Thank you to everyone participating in the Song of Lyric contest!
Here’s an entry by Naomi Conti


The winner will be announced in June.

The Song Of The One

With the power of the Verses
And the strength of our swords,
We trust in Your Word;
In Your almighty hand, Lord.
There is no fear for those
Who trust in Your  might;
Alone on high are You
Above the hill gods’ sight:
Awesome You are.

The eyes of the Hazorites
Your wrath they see and fear,
The Kahlareans will tremble when they hear,
The people of Rhus will cease spoken
They will know, and thus be silenced;                                                          
That the One dwells in the midst of His           

You alone are to be feared;
Before You will come one and all.
The nations will come to pay You homage;
Upon their faces will they fall.
They will all acknowledge You as God,
For the fear of You will fall hard
From the River Borders to the Clay Hills.

The Hazorites saw Your doings;
They turned and fled their posts.
For You had sent us a Restorer,
Thus they knew You fought their hosts.
From the sky came the dreadful rumble and                              
Quickening our enemies to surrender the
You gave us the victory.

Then when Hazor closed about us again,
Creeping as ghosts in the night;
Unknown to us, You were preparing
The most unlikely Restorer to fight.
For You used only Songkeepers and one
man of might,
To deliver the city of Lyric so bright;
Unscathed, she remains to this day.

But when the danger turned homeward,
Deceived by Cameron we sought
To nullify the True Verses’ soundness,
With verses that were not.
So You raised up a new Restorer,
To bring us back to the truth;
He and the guardians fought for our lands,
To take Rendor out of the enemy’s hands,
Thus Cameron’s evil plans were destroyed.

And now, O Holy One,
We worship you this day;
We remember all this You have done
To restore us to You way.
And now, O Lord, please,
Remember us, we pray;
Forgive us now our every sin,
Heal our hearts from deep within;
Our lives proclaim Your Name.

                         -Naomi Conti

Please encourage each author with your comments. (They get extra points in the contest for comments).

Stop back often for more entries!

Sharon Hinck

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