Words that Don’t Fall

This week I read something striking in I Samuel 3:19-21.

“The Lord was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of his words fall to the ground.”

I loved that! I have to confess I tend to babble. That’s why I write novels instead of short stories. And a LOT of my words deserve to fall to the ground. I process my thoughts by talking and writing, and it takes time to whittle them down to the ones that count. But how exciting to know that God can make sure that the words that matter — spoken or written — can accomplish their work and NOT fall to the ground. The chapter ends by saying, “And Samuel’s word came to all Israel.”

That was a time before printing presses, cellphones, and websites. Yet God was able to spread the words that He gave Samuel throughout the tribes. For those of us in the field of writing, isn’t it a comfort to know He can bring our words wherever He likes?

Lord, let the worthless words drop away and disappear on a puff of wind like chaff. Let the words that come from You endure and spread. Amen!

Speaking of words, my quarterly ezine that I send to my Book Buddies is coming out soon. If you aren’t already a Book Buddy, you can sign up at my website. You’ll be asked to confirm and “opt in” – and your email will never be used for other purposes. That way you won’t miss any insider info that I share. 🙂


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