New Release Today!

Today is the day! The Deliverer is out – the newest book in the award-winning Sword of Lyric series. Please use the buttons below this post to share the news. Thanks for helping me spread the word. 

A lost songkeeper must lead her people to a long awaited Deliverer

Eager to serve the One, a young songkeeper travels to the dark and foreign nation of Hazor, but her confusing, rough-edged companion has lost his Restorer gifts. As danger rises against them both, she loses her freedom, her memories, and her hope. Now even the very music of her soul is threatened. 

In our world, Susan Mitchell no longer feels at home in the carpool lane. Burdened by the unhealed scars from her trips through the portal, she fights to suppress her worry about her son, who remains out of contact in Lyric. But when a mysterious message hints Jake is in danger, she and her husband are swept away—to the place they least expect.

Clan rebellions. Lost Restorers. Has the One turned away, or will the face of the Deliverer bring light to the darkness?”

Ask for the book at your local bookstore, or order it online today.


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4 thoughts on “New Release Today!

  1. So excited for the release today of The Deliverer! Worth the 7 year wait for the book that ties the series together. Sharon is such a gifted writer!

    As the fictional Jo March is advised in "Little Women," "Write about what you know." And I've seen Sharon's life parallel Susan's (in the Sword of Lyric series) in so many ways…and I'm reminded of Frederick Buechner's book, "They Wrote in Blood," about Gerard Manley Hopkins & Shakespeare, amongst others. She has lived much of what she has written, and her heart is in the pages.

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